0195/2019 - Fatores associados à autonomia pessoal em idosos: Revisão sistemática da literatura. Factors associated with personal autonomy in elderly: Systematic review of literature.
Objetivo: Identificar os fatores associados à autonomia pessoal em idosos. Métodos: Revisão sistemática de estudos epidemiológicos analíticos, selecionados nas bases Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus e Lilacs, sem restrição de tempo e idioma. A busca de artigos resultou em 3.435 estudos. A seleção foi realizada em duas fases: leitura de resumos e leitura de artigos completos, seguindo critérios de inclusão e exclusão, por dois revisores independentes, resultando em sete estudos incluídos. O risco de viés foi avaliado pelo protocolo Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Resultados: Todos os estudos incluídos foram de desenho seccional e analisaram a autonomia sobre a perspectiva de percepção da promulgação da autonomia. Os instrumentos mais utilizados foram Hertz Perceived Enactment of Autonomy Scale e Chinese version of Perceived Enactment of Autonomy Scale. Os fatores associados à autonomia dos idosos identificados foram agrupados em: funcionalidade, relações familiares, relações interpessoais, percepção sobre a vida, satisfação com serviços de saúde, fatores demográficos, escolaridade, estado geral de saúde e qualidade de vida. Conclusão: O estudo da autonomia pessoal do idoso apresentou caráter multifatorial e biopsicossocial, porém é uma temática recente, sendo necessário novas pesquisas com mais alta evidência científica.
Autonomia pessoal, idoso, idoso de 80 anos ou mais.
Objective: To identify factors associated with personal autonomy in the elderly. Methods: Systematic review of analytical epidemiological studies edPubmed, Web of Science, Scopus and Lilacs, without time and language restrictions. The search for articles resulted in 3,435 studies. The ion was carried out in two phases: reading of abstracts and reading of complete articles, following inclusion and exclusion criteria, by two independent reviewers, resulting in seven included studies. The risk of bias was assessed by the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale protocol. Results: All the included studies were of sectional design and analyzed the autonomy on the perspective of perception of the promulgation of autonomy. The most used instruments were Hertz Perceived Entity of Autonomy Scale and Chinese version of Perceived Enactment of Autonomy Scale. The factors associated with the autonomy of the identified elderly were grouped in: Functionality, Family relations, Interpersonal relations, Perception on life, Satisfaction with health services, Demographic factors, Schooling, General health status and Quality of life. Conclusion: The study of the personal autonomy of the elderly presented a multifactorial and biopsychosocial character, nevertheless it is a recent theme, being necessary new research with more scientific evidence.
Factors associated with personal autonomy in elderly: Systematic review of literature.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To identify factors associated with personal autonomy in the elderly. Methods: Systematic review of analytical epidemiological studies edPubmed, Web of Science, Scopus and Lilacs, without time and language restrictions. The search for articles resulted in 3,435 studies. The ion was carried out in two phases: reading of abstracts and reading of complete articles, following inclusion and exclusion criteria, by two independent reviewers, resulting in seven included studies. The risk of bias was assessed by the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale protocol. Results: All the included studies were of sectional design and analyzed the autonomy on the perspective of perception of the promulgation of autonomy. The most used instruments were Hertz Perceived Entity of Autonomy Scale and Chinese version of Perceived Enactment of Autonomy Scale. The factors associated with the autonomy of the identified elderly were grouped in: Functionality, Family relations, Interpersonal relations, Perception on life, Satisfaction with health services, Demographic factors, Schooling, General health status and Quality of life. Conclusion: The study of the personal autonomy of the elderly presented a multifactorial and biopsychosocial character, nevertheless it is a recent theme, being necessary new research with more scientific evidence.
Gomes, G.C, Moreira, R. S., Maia, T.O, Santos, M.A.B, Silva, V.L. Fatores associados à autonomia pessoal em idosos: Revisão sistemática da literatura.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jul). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-a-autonomia-pessoal-em-idosos-revisao-sistematica-da-literatura/17269?id=17269&id=17269