0326/2020 - Fatores associados ao consumo de sal na população adulta brasileira: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Factors associated with salt intake in the Brazilianadult population: National Health Survey
Objetivo: Identificar os fatores associados ao consumo elevado de sal na população brasileira adulta. Métodos: Estudo transversal com dados de8.083 adultos da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS, 2014/15). O consumo de sal foi baseado na estimativa de excreção urinária de sódio de 24 horas, calculada pela relação sódio/creatinina em amostra de urina casual. Considerou-seconsumo elevadoo quartil mais alto da distribuição. A relação entre consumo elevado de sal efatores sociodemográficos, estilos de vida, morbidade e autoavaliação do estado de saúde foi analisada pelo cálculodas razões de prevalência brutas e ajustadas por idade e sexo.Resultados: 28,1% apresentavam consumoestimado de sal maior que 10,56g/dia. Estiveram positivamente associados ao consumo elevado de sala presença de sobrepeso (Razão de Prevalência ajustada; IC95% - RPaj 1,23; 1,09-1,39), obesidade (RPaj 1,61; 1,43-1,83) e diabetes (RPaj 1,36; 1,17-1,58). Foram fatores de proteção o sexo feminino (RPaj 0,73; 0,66-0,80), escolaridade elevada (RPaj0,88; 0,79-0,99), morar na região Norte e presença de doença renal crônica (RPaj 0,71; 0,56-0,90).Conclusão: O consumo de sal é elevado em todo o país e em todos os subgrupos da população, demandando ações coordenadas para seu enfrentamento.
Sódio na Dieta;Comportamento Alimentar; Inquéritos Epidemiológicos;Urina.
Objective: To identify the associated factors to high salt intake in the adult Brazilian population. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 8,083 adults participating in the National Health Survey (PNS, 2014/15). Salt consumption was based on the estimation of 24-hour urinary sodium calculatedthe sodium/creatinine ratio in urine spot. High salt intake was considered by the highest quartile of the distribution. The relationbetween high salt intake and sociodemographic factors, lifestyles, morbidity, and self-rated health status was analyzed by calculating the raw prevalence ratios and the prevalence ratios adjusted for age and sex. Results: 28.1% had an estimated salt consumption greater than 10.56 g/day. The presence of overweight (Adjusted Prevalence Ratio; CI95% - RPad 1.23; 1.09-1.39), obesity (RPad 1.61; 1.43-1.83) and diabetes (RPad 1.36; 1.17-1.58) were positively associated with high salt intake. Protective factors were female gender (RPad 0.73; 0.66-0.80), high schooling (RPad 0.88; 0.79-0.99), living in the North and presence of chronic kidney disease (RPad 0.71; 0.56-0.90).Conclusion: Salt consumption is high in the whole country and in all subgroups of the population, requiring coordinated actions to face it.
Dietary Sodium, Feeding Behavior; Health Surveys; Urine.
Factors associated with salt intake in the Brazilianadult population: National Health Survey
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To identify the associated factors to high salt intake in the adult Brazilian population. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 8,083 adults participating in the National Health Survey (PNS, 2014/15). Salt consumption was based on the estimation of 24-hour urinary sodium calculatedthe sodium/creatinine ratio in urine spot. High salt intake was considered by the highest quartile of the distribution. The relationbetween high salt intake and sociodemographic factors, lifestyles, morbidity, and self-rated health status was analyzed by calculating the raw prevalence ratios and the prevalence ratios adjusted for age and sex. Results: 28.1% had an estimated salt consumption greater than 10.56 g/day. The presence of overweight (Adjusted Prevalence Ratio; CI95% - RPad 1.23; 1.09-1.39), obesity (RPad 1.61; 1.43-1.83) and diabetes (RPad 1.36; 1.17-1.58) were positively associated with high salt intake. Protective factors were female gender (RPad 0.73; 0.66-0.80), high schooling (RPad 0.88; 0.79-0.99), living in the North and presence of chronic kidney disease (RPad 0.71; 0.56-0.90).Conclusion: Salt consumption is high in the whole country and in all subgroups of the population, requiring coordinated actions to face it.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Dietary Sodium, Feeding Behavior; Health Surveys; Urine.
Mill, J.G, Malta, D.C., Nilson, E. A. F, Machado, I.E., Jaime, P.C., Bernal, R.T.I., Cardoso, Laís Santos de Magalhães, Szwarcwald, C.L. Fatores associados ao consumo de sal na população adulta brasileira: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-ao-consumo-de-sal-na-populacao-adulta-brasileira-pesquisa-nacional-de-saude/17808?id=17808