2009/2013 - Fatores de risco cardiovascular do escore de framingham entre hipertensos assistidos por equipes de saúde da família. Risk factorsframingham risk score among hipertensive patients assisted by family health teams.
• Henderson Barbosa Pimenta - Pimenta, H. B. - Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - <henderson@cardiology.br>
Área Temática:
O Escore de Framingham (EF) é utilizado para estratificar o risco cardiovascular. O presente estudo objetivou identificar, entre os hipertensos assistidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), a prevalência dos fatores de risco utilizados no EF e do uso de drogas que reduzem o risco cardiovascular. Trata-se de estudo transversal, que avaliou amostra aleatória de hipertensos da ESF no norte de Minas Gerais. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas e consulta aos prontuários. Foram avaliados 505 hipertensos em 9 municípios da região, com predomínio de mulheres, 325 (64,4%) e média de idade de 66,4 anos. Em 90% dos hipertensos houve pelo menos 1 fator de risco associado. O agrupamento de 3 ou mais fatores ocorreu em 79 (15,7%) pacientes. Dislipidemia foi encontrada em 188 (37,2%), diabetes em 101 (20%) e tabagismo em 36 (7,1%). O uso de anti-hipetensivo foi observado em 481 (95,2%) hipertensos. O uso de outras drogas cardioprotetoras foi maior entre pacientes 3 ou mais fatores de risco: 45,6% usavam antiagregantes plaquetários e 27,8% usavam hipolipemiantes. A prevalência de fatores de risco do EF na população estudada mostrou-se bastante elevada e o uso de drogas cardioprotetoras mostrou-se restrito. Estratégias para ampliar o uso do EF podem melhorar o manejo da hipertensão arterial na ESF.
HipertensãoFatores de riscoAtenção Primária à Saúde
The Framingham Risk Score (FRS) is used to stratify the cardiovascular risk. This study aimed to identify, among hypertensive patients attended by the Family Health Strategy (FHS), the prevalence of risk factors used in the FRS and the use of drugs that reduce cardiovascular risk. It is cross-sectional study, which evaluated a random sample of hypertensive patients of FHS in northern Minas Gerais. Data were collected through interviews andmedical records. 505 hypertensive patients were evaluated in 9 municipalities of the region, with a predominance of women, 325 (64.4%), mean age of 66.4 years. In 90% of hypertensive patients there was at least one risk factor associated. The grouping of three or more factors occurred in 79 (15.7%) patients. Dyslipidemia was found in 188 (37.2%), diabetes in 101 (20%) and smoking in 36 (7.1%). The use of anti-hipetensive drugs was observed in 481 (95.2%) patients. The use of other cardioprotective drugs was higher among patients with 3 or more risk factors: 45.6% used antiplatelet and 27.8% used lipid-lowering drugs. The prevalence of risk factorsthe FRS in the studied population was quite high and the use of cardioprotective drugs was shown to be restricted. Strategies to increase the use of FRS may improve the management of hypertension in the FHS.
Risk factorsframingham risk score among hipertensive patients assisted by family health teams.
Resumo (abstract):
The Framingham Risk Score (FRS) is used to stratify the cardiovascular risk. This study aimed to identify, among hypertensive patients attended by the Family Health Strategy (FHS), the prevalence of risk factors used in the FRS and the use of drugs that reduce cardiovascular risk. It is cross-sectional study, which evaluated a random sample of hypertensive patients of FHS in northern Minas Gerais. Data were collected through interviews andmedical records. 505 hypertensive patients were evaluated in 9 municipalities of the region, with a predominance of women, 325 (64.4%), mean age of 66.4 years. In 90% of hypertensive patients there was at least one risk factor associated. The grouping of three or more factors occurred in 79 (15.7%) patients. Dyslipidemia was found in 188 (37.2%), diabetes in 101 (20%) and smoking in 36 (7.1%). The use of anti-hipetensive drugs was observed in 481 (95.2%) patients. The use of other cardioprotective drugs was higher among patients with 3 or more risk factors: 45.6% used antiplatelet and 27.8% used lipid-lowering drugs. The prevalence of risk factorsthe FRS in the studied population was quite high and the use of cardioprotective drugs was shown to be restricted. Strategies to increase the use of FRS may improve the management of hypertension in the FHS.
Caldeira, A.P, Pimenta, H. B.. Fatores de risco cardiovascular do escore de framingham entre hipertensos assistidos por equipes de saúde da família.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/out). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-de-risco-cardiovascular-do-escore-de-framingham-entre-hipertensos-assistidos-por-equipes-de-saude-da-familia/14591?id=14591