0234/2015 - Fatores relacionados com a incidência de cárie em jovens: Um estudo de coorte no nordeste brasileiro. Factors related to the dental caries incidence in youth: A cohort study in Brazilian northeastern.
O modelo conceitual do life course considera que a saúde-doença é um processo dinâmico afetado por experiências prévias e ao longo da vida. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a incidência de cárie e seus fatores determinantes em jovens no município de Sobral-Ce. Tratou-se de um estudo de coorte em saúde bucal iniciado no ano 2000, com ondas em 2006 e em 2012. Foram examinados e entrevistados 482 jovens na faixa etária de 17 a 21 anos. A incidência de cárie entre 2006 e 2012 foi o desfecho analisado e as variáveis independentes foram as condições socioeconômicas e de utilização de ações e serviços de saúde bucal. A incidência média de cárie foi de 2,95 dentes da adolescência para a juventude. Constatou-se que maior privação social ao longo da vida e negar o acesso ao dentista na infância implicam em maior incidência de cárie na juventude, entretanto o uso dos serviços odontológicos na adolescência e na juventude não foi suficiente para reduzir as iniquidades em saúde bucal.
Cárie DentáriaFatores de RiscoDesigualdades em Saúde.
The conceptual model of the life course considers that health-disease is a dynamic process that is also affected by previous and current lifelong experiences. The aim of the study was to investigate the incidence of caries and its determinants in young people in Sobral-Ceará, Brazil. This was a cohort study of oral health started in 2000, with waves in 2006 and 2012. 482 young people aged 17-21 years were examined and interviewed. The incidence of caries between 2006 and 2012 was the outcome analyzed and the independent variables were socioeconomic conditions and use of oral health actions and services. The average incidence of caries was 2.95 teeththe adolescence to the youth. It was found that social deprivation throughout life and deny access to the dentist during infancy implies a greater incidence of caries in youth, therefore, the use of services and oral health actions during the adolescence and youth have not been sufficient to reduce inequities in oral health.
Factors related to the dental caries incidence in youth: A cohort study in Brazilian northeastern.
Resumo (abstract):
The conceptual model of the life course considers that health-disease is a dynamic process that is also affected by previous and current lifelong experiences. The aim of the study was to investigate the incidence of caries and its determinants in young people in Sobral-Ceará, Brazil. This was a cohort study of oral health started in 2000, with waves in 2006 and 2012. 482 young people aged 17-21 years were examined and interviewed. The incidence of caries between 2006 and 2012 was the outcome analyzed and the independent variables were socioeconomic conditions and use of oral health actions and services. The average incidence of caries was 2.95 teeththe adolescence to the youth. It was found that social deprivation throughout life and deny access to the dentist during infancy implies a greater incidence of caries in youth, therefore, the use of services and oral health actions during the adolescence and youth have not been sufficient to reduce inequities in oral health.
Teixeira, AKM, Roncalli, A.G., Noro, L.R.A.. Fatores relacionados com a incidência de cárie em jovens: Um estudo de coorte no nordeste brasileiro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-relacionados-com-a-incidencia-de-carie-em-jovens-um-estudo-de-coorte-no-nordeste-brasileiro/15306?id=15306