0162/2016 - Fatores sociodemográficos, perinatais e comportamentais associados aos tipos de leite consumidos por crianças menores de seis meses: Coorte de nascimento. Sociodemographic, perinatal and behavioral factors associated to types of milk consumed in six months children under: Birth cohort.
Avaliar os fatores associados ao consumo de leite materno(LM), fórmulas lácteas(FL) e leite de vaca(LV). Estudo de coorte com 247 crianças acompanhadas no 1°, 4° e 6° mês de vida, em Viçosa-MG. Para o LV e FL contabilizou-se o consumo independentemente da ingestão de LM. Para o LM, considerou-se apenas o consumo exclusivo ou predominante. Do 1° ao 6° mês observou-se o aumento do não consumo de LM de forma exclusiva ou predominante (31,6%),bem como do consumo de LV (27,2%) e FL (9,3%).O LM associou-se ao uso de chupeta no 1° mês, e ao trabalho materno e uso de chupeta no 4° e 6° mês. O uso de chupeta foi fator de risco para o consumo de FL em todos os meses, enquanto pertencer ao grupo de menor renda foi inversamente associado no 6° mês. Para o LV, o número de consultas pré-natal foi fator de risco em todos os meses, o trabalho materno e o uso de chupeta no 4° mês, a renda familiar, trabalho materno, baixo peso ao nascer, número de consultas pré-natal e uso de chupeta no 6° mês. Desde o 1° mês a introdução de outros tipos de leite é elevada, revelando que ainda há muito a se percorrer para a garantia do aleitamento materno exclusivo até os 6 meses
aleitamento maternocriançasubstitutos do leite humano
To evaluate the factors associated with the consumption of breast milk (BM), milk formula (MF) and cow‘s milk (CM) in children. Cohort study with 256 children followed at 1st, 4th and 6th months of age, in Viçosa, MG. For CM and IF, it was recorded the consumption irrespective of BM intake. Into BM, it was considered only their exclusive or predominant consumption. From the 1st to the 6th month there was an increase in the number of children who did not consume BM exclusively or predominantly (31.6%), as well as the consumption of CM(27.2%) and IF (9.3%). The BM was associated with pacifier use at 1st month, and maternal work and pacifier use in the 4th and 6th month. Pacifier use was a risk factor for MF consumption in every month, while belonging to the group of lower income was inversely associated in the 6th month. For MF, the number of prenatal visits was a risk factor in every month, the mother‘s work and the use of pacifiers in the 4th month, family income, maternal work, low birth weight, number of prenatal visits and pacifier use at 6th month. Since the 1st month the introduction of other kinds of milk is high, revealing that there is still much to go to the guarantee of exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months.
Sociodemographic, perinatal and behavioral factors associated to types of milk consumed in six months children under: Birth cohort.
Resumo (abstract):
To evaluate the factors associated with the consumption of breast milk (BM), milk formula (MF) and cow‘s milk (CM) in children. Cohort study with 256 children followed at 1st, 4th and 6th months of age, in Viçosa, MG. For CM and IF, it was recorded the consumption irrespective of BM intake. Into BM, it was considered only their exclusive or predominant consumption. From the 1st to the 6th month there was an increase in the number of children who did not consume BM exclusively or predominantly (31.6%), as well as the consumption of CM(27.2%) and IF (9.3%). The BM was associated with pacifier use at 1st month, and maternal work and pacifier use in the 4th and 6th month. Pacifier use was a risk factor for MF consumption in every month, while belonging to the group of lower income was inversely associated in the 6th month. For MF, the number of prenatal visits was a risk factor in every month, the mother‘s work and the use of pacifiers in the 4th month, family income, maternal work, low birth weight, number of prenatal visits and pacifier use at 6th month. Since the 1st month the introduction of other kinds of milk is high, revealing that there is still much to go to the guarantee of exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months.
de Carvalho, C. A., Fonsêca, P.C.A, Nobre, L.N, Silva, M.A, Pessoa, M.C, Ribeiro, A.Q., Priore, S.E, Franceschini, S. Fatores sociodemográficos, perinatais e comportamentais associados aos tipos de leite consumidos por crianças menores de seis meses: Coorte de nascimento.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/abr). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-sociodemograficos-perinatais-e-comportamentais-associados-aos-tipos-de-leite-consumidos-por-criancas-menores-de-seis-meses-coorte-de-nascimento/15586?id=15586