Objetivou-se conhecer a prevalência e os fatores associados à fragilidade em idosos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Trata-se de estudo transversal realizado com1750 idosos no Sudeste do Brasil. Utilizou-se para coleta o Brazilian Older Americans Resources and Services MultiDimensional Function Assessment Questionnaire (BOMFAQ) e o Índice de Vulnerabilidade Clínico-funcional (IVCF-20). Realizaram-se as análises descritivas e bivariadas, seguidas da análise regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta, para obtenção de razões de prevalência ajustadas. O IVCF-20 identificou 357 idosos frágeis (20,1%). As variáveis estatisticamente associadas à fragilidade após análise múltipla foram: estado civil (RP=1,05;IC95%=1,02-1,07), escolaridade (RP=1,05;IC95%=1,03-1,08), polipatologia (RP=1,05;IC95%=1,01-1,09), polifarmácia (RP=1,21; IC95%=1,17-1,26), transtorno mental (RP=1,16;IC95%=1,12-1,21), comprometimento cognitivo (RP=1,71;IC95%=1,57-1,86), comprometimento de atividades de vida diária (RP=1,12;IC95%=1,09-1,14), quedas (RP=1,06; IC95%=1,03-1,10), internação (RP=1,39;IC95%=1,27-1,52) e incontinência urinária (RP=1,30;IC95%=1,23-1,38), autopercepção da saúde (RP=1,13;IC95%=1,09-1,17). Concluiu-se que a significante prevalência de fragilidade do estudo reitera a necessidade de abordagem multidimensional do idoso.
Idoso. Fragilidade. Atenção Primária à saúde.
We aimed to know the prevalence and factors associated with frailty in the elderly people in Primary Health Care. This is a cross-sectional study carried out with 1750 elderly people in the Southeast of Brazil. The Brazilian Older Americans Resources and Services MultiDimensional Function Assessment Questionnaire (BOMFAQ) and the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index (IVCF-20) were used to data collection. Descriptive and bivariate analyzes were performed, followed by Poisson regression analysis, with robust variance, to obtain adjusted prevalence ratios (PR). The IVCF-20 identified 357 frail older people (20.1%). The variables that remained statistically associated with frailty after multiple analysis were: single/widowed marital status RP=1.05; IC95%=1.02-1.07), schooling up to four years (RP=1.05,IC95%1.03-1.08), polypathology (RP=1.05; IC95%=1.01-1.09),polypharmacy (RP=1.21; IC95%=1.17-1.26), mental disorder (RP=1.16; IC95%=1.12-1.21), cognitive impairment (RP=1.71;IC95%=1.57-1.86), Activities of Daily Living impairment(RP=1.12; IC95%=1.09-1.14), falls (RP=1.06; IC95%=1.03-1.10), hospitalization (RP=1.39; IC95%=1.27-1.52) and urinary incontinence (RP=1.30; IC95%=1.23-1.38), negative self-perception of health (RP= 1.13; IC95% 1.09-1.17). We concluded that a significant prevalence of frailty for the study reaffirms the need for a multidimensional approach for the elderly.
Fragility in the elderly assisted by primary care teams.
Resumo (abstract):
We aimed to know the prevalence and factors associated with frailty in the elderly people in Primary Health Care. This is a cross-sectional study carried out with 1750 elderly people in the Southeast of Brazil. The Brazilian Older Americans Resources and Services MultiDimensional Function Assessment Questionnaire (BOMFAQ) and the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index (IVCF-20) were used to data collection. Descriptive and bivariate analyzes were performed, followed by Poisson regression analysis, with robust variance, to obtain adjusted prevalence ratios (PR). The IVCF-20 identified 357 frail older people (20.1%). The variables that remained statistically associated with frailty after multiple analysis were: single/widowed marital status RP=1.05; IC95%=1.02-1.07), schooling up to four years (RP=1.05,IC95%1.03-1.08), polypathology (RP=1.05; IC95%=1.01-1.09),polypharmacy (RP=1.21; IC95%=1.17-1.26), mental disorder (RP=1.16; IC95%=1.12-1.21), cognitive impairment (RP=1.71;IC95%=1.57-1.86), Activities of Daily Living impairment(RP=1.12; IC95%=1.09-1.14), falls (RP=1.06; IC95%=1.03-1.10), hospitalization (RP=1.39; IC95%=1.27-1.52) and urinary incontinence (RP=1.30; IC95%=1.23-1.38), negative self-perception of health (RP= 1.13; IC95% 1.09-1.17). We concluded that a significant prevalence of frailty for the study reaffirms the need for a multidimensional approach for the elderly.