0288/2018 - Governança, Intersetorialidade e Participação Social na política pública: O Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa. Governance, Intersectoriality and Social Policy Participation: The National Council on the Rights of the Elderly.
O envelhecimento é um fenômeno complexo e multifacetado que requer diferentes tipos de políticas públicas. Em 2002 foi criado o Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa (CNDI) como estrutura de governança para fortalecer a garantia de direitos através da articulação entre setores de governo e sociedade civil. O artigo objetiva analisar o CNDI a partir da descrição da configuração institucional e caracterização da sua atuação na proposição de estratégias de implementação e acompanhamento das principais políticas para os idosos. Foi utilizado o referencial analítico de análise de políticas públicas, com destaque para o conceito de governança; leis e documentos, com destaque para as atas das reuniões do Conselho, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Como resultado foi possível atestar a importância desses espaços que possibilitam a influência e controle da sociedade civil institucionalizada sobre o Estado. Porém observou-se dificuldades de encaminhamento das ações, entraves na relação entre os atores sociais; e insuficiente envolvimento de alguns órgãos governamentais. Diante das aceleradas mudanças demográficas, de desigualdades sociais e vulnerabilidade de parte da população idosa, essa estratégia de governança per se não tem sido suficiente para assegurar a efetivação dos direitos previstos.
Aging is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that requires different types of public policies. In 2002, the National Council for the Rights of the Elderly (CNDI) was created as a governance structure to strengthen the guarantee of rights through articulation between sectors of government and civil society. The article aims to analyze the CNDIthe description of the institutional configuration and characterization of its action in the proposal of strategies of implementation and monitoring of the main policies for the elderly. The analytical framework of public policy analysis was used, with emphasis on the concept of governance; laws and documents, highlighting the minutes of Council meetings, as well as semi-structured interviews. As a result, it was possible to attest to the importance of these spaces that allow the influence and control of institutionalized civil society over the State. However, it was observed difficulties of referral of the actions, obstacles in the relationship between the social actors; and insufficient involvement of some government agencies. In the face of accelerated demographic changes, social inequalities and vulnerability of the elderly population, this governance strategy per se has not been sufficient to ensure the realization of the rights envisaged.
Governance, the elderly, public policies, social rights, intersectoriality
Governance, Intersectoriality and Social Policy Participation: The National Council on the Rights of the Elderly.
Resumo (abstract):
Aging is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that requires different types of public policies. In 2002, the National Council for the Rights of the Elderly (CNDI) was created as a governance structure to strengthen the guarantee of rights through articulation between sectors of government and civil society. The article aims to analyze the CNDIthe description of the institutional configuration and characterization of its action in the proposal of strategies of implementation and monitoring of the main policies for the elderly. The analytical framework of public policy analysis was used, with emphasis on the concept of governance; laws and documents, highlighting the minutes of Council meetings, as well as semi-structured interviews. As a result, it was possible to attest to the importance of these spaces that allow the influence and control of institutionalized civil society over the State. However, it was observed difficulties of referral of the actions, obstacles in the relationship between the social actors; and insufficient involvement of some government agencies. In the face of accelerated demographic changes, social inequalities and vulnerability of the elderly population, this governance strategy per se has not been sufficient to ensure the realization of the rights envisaged.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Governance, the elderly, public policies, social rights, intersectoriality
Souza, M. S., Machado, CV. Governança, Intersetorialidade e Participação Social na política pública: O Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jun). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/governanca-intersetorialidade-e-participacao-social-na-politica-publica-o-conselho-nacional-dos-direitos-da-pessoa-idosa/16821?id=16821