
0427/2017 - Influence of air pollution exposure on adolescents’ objectively-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior.
Influencia da poluição do ar em adolescentes avaliando objetivamente a atividade física e o comportamento sedentário.


• Jesús Viciana - Viciana, J - <jviciana@ugr.es>


• Daniel Mayorga-Vega - Vega, DM - <dmayorgavega@gmail.com>

• Maribel Enriqueta Parra - Parra, ME - <mparrasaldias@gmail.com>


Embora a atividade física regular seja recomendada para saúde, a exposição de indivíduos ao ar altamente contaminado pode levar a perda dos benefícios produzidos. O propósito do presente estudo foi comparar o nível de atividade fisica e o comportamento sedentário durante e fora das aulas escolares, e nos recessos escolares entre dias altamente contaminados e dias não contaminados em adolescentes chilenos. Dezenove adolescentes de Santiago foram avaliados por um acelerômetro GT3X. O eixo vertical e os passos por minuto durante um dia inteiro, e as duas variáveis assim como a porcentagem de tempo de atividade fisica moderada a vigorosa no período do tempo fora da escola foi superior em dias altamente contaminados do que em dias não altamente contaminados (p


Poluição, recesso escolar, tempo livre, meio ambiente


Although regular physical activity is recommended for health, highly contaminated air exposure acts to the detriment of the benefits produced in individuals. The purpose of the present study was to compare the accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior during the whole day, in-school time, out-of-school time, and school breaks between highly contaminated air days and non-highly contaminated air days in Chilean adolescents. Nineteen adolescentsSantiago of Chile were assessed by a GT3X accelerometer. The vertical axis and steps per minute for the whole day, and both of these variables together with the percentage of time of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity level in the out-of-school time period were higher in highly contaminated air days than in non-highly contaminated air days (p < 0.05; with effect sizesr = 0.36 to r = 0.46). Results for sedentary behavior were similar in both conditions for every period of time analyzed. These results allow us to conclude the lack of awareness of the participants in this research regarding the health repercussions in relation to the physical activity performed during air pollution exposure. Some strategies in order to improve the Chilean adolescents’ physical activity and sedentary behavior are suggested and discussed.


Smog, school recess, leisure time, environment


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Viciana, J, Vega, DM, Parra, ME. Influence of air pollution exposure on adolescents’ objectively-measured physical activity and sedentary behavior.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/influence-of-air-pollution-exposure-on-adolescents-objectivelymeasured-physical-activity-and-sedentary-behavior/16479?id=16479



