0389/2024 - Início oportuno do pré-natal em adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual: implicações para o aborto legal no Brasil Timely initiation of antenatal care in adolescent victims of sexual violence: implications for legal abortion in Brazil
Investigamos o início oportuno do pré-natal em adolescentes brasileiras para subsidiar a discussão nacional sobre o limite de idade gestacional para o aborto legal. Com dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) 2020-2022 correlacionamos o início oportuno do pré-natal (primeiro trimestre da gestação) com a idade da adolescente, região, raça/cor e escolaridade. Considerando a idade estimada na concepção, estimamos que 11.607 partos anuais resultam de estupro de vulnerável. O início oportuno aumentou com a idade, sendo de 70,2% para todas as adolescentes (<20 anos), mas de apenas 55,6% para aquelas abaixo de 13 anos; 14,1% das adolescentes iniciaram o pré-natal com 22 semanas ou mais de gestação (28,3% entre <13 anos). O início oportuno foi menor na Região Norte, entre meninas indígenas e entre aquelas com baixa escolaridade. Os resultados questionam o recente projeto de lei de limitar o aborto legal para vítimas de estupro de vulnerável até 22 de semanas de idade gestacional. Demoras no reconhecimento da gestação e na comunicação para a família contribuem para o início tardio do pré-natal e para a decisão de abortar. A proposta de limite do prazo para abortos legais irá atingir principalmente as adolescentes mais vulneráveis em termos socioeconômicos e raciais.
Gravidez na Adolescência, Estupro, Aborto, Nascido vivo, Cuidado pré-natal
We investigated the timely initiation of antenatal care among Brazilian adolescents to support the national discussion on the gestational age limit for legal abortion. Using data from the Live Births Information System (SINASC) from 2020 to 2022, we correlated timely prenatal care (in the first trimester of pregnancy) with the adolescent's age, region, race/color, and education level. Considering the estimated age at conception, we estimate that 11,607 annual births result from vulnerable rape. Timely initiation increased with age, being 70.2% for all adolescents (<20 years), but only 55.6% for those under 13; 14.1% of adolescents started antenatal care at 22 weeks or more of gestation (28.3% among those <13 years). Timely initiation was lower in the North Region, among Indigenous girls, and among those with low educational attainment. The results challenge the recent legislative proposal to limit legal abortion for victims of vulnerable rape to up to 22 weeks of gestational age. Delays in recognizing pregnancy and communicating with the family contribute to the late initiation of antenatal care and the decision to abort. The proposed deadline for legal abortions will primarily affect the most socioeconomically and racially vulnerable adolescents.
Pregnancy in Adolescence, Rape, Abortion, Live Birth, Prenatal Care
Timely initiation of antenatal care in adolescent victims of sexual violence: implications for legal abortion in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
We investigated the timely initiation of antenatal care among Brazilian adolescents to support the national discussion on the gestational age limit for legal abortion. Using data from the Live Births Information System (SINASC) from 2020 to 2022, we correlated timely prenatal care (in the first trimester of pregnancy) with the adolescent's age, region, race/color, and education level. Considering the estimated age at conception, we estimate that 11,607 annual births result from vulnerable rape. Timely initiation increased with age, being 70.2% for all adolescents (<20 years), but only 55.6% for those under 13; 14.1% of adolescents started antenatal care at 22 weeks or more of gestation (28.3% among those <13 years). Timely initiation was lower in the North Region, among Indigenous girls, and among those with low educational attainment. The results challenge the recent legislative proposal to limit legal abortion for victims of vulnerable rape to up to 22 weeks of gestational age. Delays in recognizing pregnancy and communicating with the family contribute to the late initiation of antenatal care and the decision to abort. The proposed deadline for legal abortions will primarily affect the most socioeconomically and racially vulnerable adolescents.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Pregnancy in Adolescence, Rape, Abortion, Live Birth, Prenatal Care
Silva, L.E.S, Costa, J.C, Blumenberg, C., Lima, N.P, Ruas, L.P.V, Costa, F.S, Barros, A.J.D, Wehrmeister, F.C, Victora, C.G. Início oportuno do pré-natal em adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual: implicações para o aborto legal no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/inicio-oportuno-do-prenatal-em-adolescentes-vitimas-de-violencia-sexual-implicacoes-para-o-aborto-legal-no-brasil/19437?id=19437