0119/2023 - Insatisfação com a imagem corporal e baixa aderência ao padrão alimentar ocidental em escolares: um estudo transversal Body image dissatisfaction and low adherence to the western dietary pattern in schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
Este estudo objetivou identificar padrões alimentares e avaliar a associação entre percepção da imagem corporal e esses padrões, em escolares. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido em 385 escolares (ambos os sexos, 10-17 anos de idade) de 4 escolas públicas de Salvador, Brasil. Dois recordatórios alimentares de 24h não consecutivos foram aplicados e o padrão alimentar foi determinado por Análise Fatorial Exploratória, após ajuste dos dados dietéticos pelo Multiple Source Method. Para avaliar percepção da imagem corporal, nós usamos uma escala brasileira de silhuetas. Avaliamos as associações entre percepção da imagem corporal usando o modelo de regressão logística politômica ajustado para covariáveis. Três padrões alimentares foram obtidos: “padrão ocidental”, não saudável, “padrão saudável” e “comidas típicas/ junk food”. Após ajuste, adolescentes que desejavam uma silhueta menor (2.48 [IC95%: 1.04-6.11], 3.49 [IC95%: 1.35-9.05] e 2.87 [IC95%: 1.13-7.26]) tinham mais chances de aderir aos quintis de menor consumo do padrão ocidental, comparados àqueles satisfeitos com sua imagem corporal. Nenhuma associação foi identificada nos outros dois padrões alimentares. Adolescentes insatisfeitos com seus corpos tendem a aderir menos a padrões alimentares não saudáveis.
This study aimed to identify dietary patterns and to evaluate the association between body image perception and these patterns in schoolchildren. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 385 schoolchildren (both sexes, 10-17 years old)four public schools in Salvador, Brazil. Two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls were applied and the dietary pattern was determined by Exploratory Factor Analysis after adjustment of dietary data by Multiple Source Method. To evaluate body image perception, we used a Brazilian body shape silhouette. We assessed the associations between body image perception and dietary patterns using the politomic logistic regression model adjusted for covariables. Three dietary patterns were retained: “western pattern”, unhealthy “healthy pattern” and “typical dishes/junk food”. After adjustment, adolescents who desire a smaller silhouette (2.48 [IC95%: 1.04-6.11], 3.49 [IC95%: 1.35-9.05] e 2.87 [IC95%: 1.13-7.26]) were likelier to adhere to the quintiles with the lowest consumption of the western pattern, compared to those satisfied with their body image. No associations were identified in the other two dietary patterns. Adolescents dissatisfied with their bodies tend to adhere less to unhealthy dietary patterns.
western dietary pattern, body dissatisfaction, body image, cross-sectional study.
Body image dissatisfaction and low adherence to the western dietary pattern in schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to identify dietary patterns and to evaluate the association between body image perception and these patterns in schoolchildren. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 385 schoolchildren (both sexes, 10-17 years old)four public schools in Salvador, Brazil. Two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls were applied and the dietary pattern was determined by Exploratory Factor Analysis after adjustment of dietary data by Multiple Source Method. To evaluate body image perception, we used a Brazilian body shape silhouette. We assessed the associations between body image perception and dietary patterns using the politomic logistic regression model adjusted for covariables. Three dietary patterns were retained: “western pattern”, unhealthy “healthy pattern” and “typical dishes/junk food”. After adjustment, adolescents who desire a smaller silhouette (2.48 [IC95%: 1.04-6.11], 3.49 [IC95%: 1.35-9.05] e 2.87 [IC95%: 1.13-7.26]) were likelier to adhere to the quintiles with the lowest consumption of the western pattern, compared to those satisfied with their body image. No associations were identified in the other two dietary patterns. Adolescents dissatisfied with their bodies tend to adhere less to unhealthy dietary patterns.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
western dietary pattern, body dissatisfaction, body image, cross-sectional study.
Ruas, A.M. S, Assis, A.M, Cunha, C.M, Damascena, N. F, Kinra, S., Borges, C. A., Costa, P.R.F, Santana, M.L.P.. Insatisfação com a imagem corporal e baixa aderência ao padrão alimentar ocidental em escolares: um estudo transversal. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/mai). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/insatisfacao-com-a-imagem-corporal-e-baixa-aderencia-ao-padrao-alimentar-ocidental-em-escolares-um-estudo-transversal/18745?id=18745