0370/2019 - Instrumento de vulnerabilidade familiar como possibilidade de auxílio na organização da demanda no serviço público odontológico. Family vulnerability instrument as an aid in the organization of demand in the dental public service.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação de um instrumento de vulnerabilidade familiar com fatores sociodemográficos, odontológicos, e sua distribuição espacial em um determinado território. A variável dependente foi a classificação de vulnerabilidade familiar, proposta por Coelho e Savassi. As variáveis independentes foram selecionadas baseadas no modelo teórico proposto por Andersen. Foram estimados modelos de regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada. O estimador de densidade de Kernel foi utilizado para análise espacial. Indivíduos que residiam com mais de 4 pessoas (OR= 3,46; IC95%), que estavam insatisfeitos com a saúde bucal (OR=2,38; IC95%), que tinham vergonha ao sorrir e falar (OR=3,03; IC95%) tinham mais chances de estar “em risco” familiar. A análise espacial possibilitou a visualização de uma área de maior concentração de famílias “em risco”. A relação do instrumento de vulnerabilidade analisado com fatores sociodemográficos e odontológicos como também o auxílio na visualização e identificação de áreas mais vulneráveis, auxiliam no conhecimento do território para o planejamento das ações em saúde bucal, e assim concluímos que tal instrumento pode ser adotado para um acesso mais equinime, por parte das equipes de saúde bucal.
Fatores de risco, autoavaliação, saúde bucal, análise espacial
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship of an instrument of family vulnerability with sociodemographic, dental, and spatial distribution in a given territory. The dependent variable was the classification of family vulnerability, proposed by Coelho and Savassi. The independent variables were ed based on the theoretical model proposed by Andersen. Hierarchical multiple logistic regression models were estimated. The kernel density estimator was used for spatial analysis. Subjects who lived with more than 4 people (OR = 3.46; 95% CI), who were dissatisfied with oral health (OR = 2.38; 95% CI), who were ashamed to smile and talk (OR = 3.03 , 95% CI) were more likely to be \"at risk\" in the family. Spatial analysis allowed the visualization of an area of higher concentration of \"at risk\" families. The relationship of the instrument of vulnerability analyzed with sociodemographic and dental factors, as well as the aid in the visualization and identification of more vulnerable areas, help in the knowledge of the territory for the planning of actions in oral health, and thus we conclude that such instrument can be adopted for a more equitable access by the oral health teams.
Family vulnerability instrument as an aid in the organization of demand in the dental public service.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship of an instrument of family vulnerability with sociodemographic, dental, and spatial distribution in a given territory. The dependent variable was the classification of family vulnerability, proposed by Coelho and Savassi. The independent variables were ed based on the theoretical model proposed by Andersen. Hierarchical multiple logistic regression models were estimated. The kernel density estimator was used for spatial analysis. Subjects who lived with more than 4 people (OR = 3.46; 95% CI), who were dissatisfied with oral health (OR = 2.38; 95% CI), who were ashamed to smile and talk (OR = 3.03 , 95% CI) were more likely to be \"at risk\" in the family. Spatial analysis allowed the visualization of an area of higher concentration of \"at risk\" families. The relationship of the instrument of vulnerability analyzed with sociodemographic and dental factors, as well as the aid in the visualization and identification of more vulnerable areas, help in the knowledge of the territory for the planning of actions in oral health, and thus we conclude that such instrument can be adopted for a more equitable access by the oral health teams.
Neto, J.P, Cortellazzi, K.L., Sousa, M.L.R.. Instrumento de vulnerabilidade familiar como possibilidade de auxílio na organização da demanda no serviço público odontológico.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/instrumento-de-vulnerabilidade-familiar-como-possibilidade-de-auxilio-na-organizacao-da-demanda-no-servico-publico-odontologico/17444?id=17444