0253/2019 - Itinerário terapêutico de crianças com microcefalia pelo vírus zika. Therapeutic itinerary of children with microcephaly related to zika virus.
Em 2015, no Brasil, houve uma epidemia de microcefalia que foi associada a infecção pelo vírus Zika. A condição destas crianças, impulsionou os pais a percorrerem um caminho em busca por tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o itinerário terapêutico percorrido por pais e/ou cuidadores de crianças com microcefalia pelo vírus Zika nos setores de atenção à saúde. Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um Centro de Referência em Neurodesenvolvimento, no período de 04/2017 a 02/2018, com pais e/ou cuidadores de crianças com microcefalia pelo vírus Zika. A amostra obedeceu aos critérios de saturação de sentidos. Foram feitas 20 entrevistas semiestruturadas, que foram gravadas e transcritas. Realizada análise de conteúdo, na modalidade temática. Os resultados demostraram desorientação e incertezas na busca pelo cuidado nos setores de saúde. O setor mais procurado foi o profissional, seguido pelo informal e popular. As informações veiculadas na mídia e redes sociais, que fazem parte do setor informal, contribuíram para esclarecer o significado da microcefalia e vírus Zika e auxiliou na busca por tratamento. O cuidado na rede de atenção à saúde foi marcado pela peregrinação. Diante de uma situação nova e emergencial, o caminho percorrido, entre o diagnóstico e o tratamento, foi árduo.
Zika vírus; Microcefalia; Itinerário terapêutico.
In 2015, in Brazil, there was an epidemic of microcephaly that was associated with Zika virus infection. The condition of these children, encouraged the parents to walk a path in search of treatment. The objective of this study was to know the clinical treatment of parents and / or caregivers of children with Zika virus infection in the attention to health sectors. A qualitative research, conducted at a Reference Center on Neurodevelopment,04/2017 to 02/2018, with parents and / or persons responsible for Zeca virus microcephalus infection. An image obeyed the criteria of sense saturation. Twenty semi-structured interviews were completed, which were recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was carried out, in thematic modality. The results of the disorientation and uncertainties in the search for care in the health sectors. The most sought after sector was the professional, followed by the informal and popular. Information about the media and social networks, which are part of the informal sector, has contributed to clarify the meaning of microcephaly and the virus. Care in the health care network was marked by pilgrimage. Faced with a new and emergency situation, the path taken between diagnosis and treatment was arduous.
Therapeutic itinerary of children with microcephaly related to zika virus.
Resumo (abstract):
In 2015, in Brazil, there was an epidemic of microcephaly that was associated with Zika virus infection. The condition of these children, encouraged the parents to walk a path in search of treatment. The objective of this study was to know the clinical treatment of parents and / or caregivers of children with Zika virus infection in the attention to health sectors. A qualitative research, conducted at a Reference Center on Neurodevelopment,04/2017 to 02/2018, with parents and / or persons responsible for Zeca virus microcephalus infection. An image obeyed the criteria of sense saturation. Twenty semi-structured interviews were completed, which were recorded and transcribed. Content analysis was carried out, in thematic modality. The results of the disorientation and uncertainties in the search for care in the health sectors. The most sought after sector was the professional, followed by the informal and popular. Information about the media and social networks, which are part of the informal sector, has contributed to clarify the meaning of microcephaly and the virus. Care in the health care network was marked by pilgrimage. Faced with a new and emergency situation, the path taken between diagnosis and treatment was arduous.