0315/2018 - La Agenda 2030 como herramienta de desarrollo para los jóvenes en Argentina. The 2030 Agenda as a development tool for the young people in Argentina.
La población de jóvenes y adolescentes representa un conjunto crítico de la población global. Su importancia para una agenda de desarrollo no se debe a la cantidad, sino a otro tipo de problemas que favorecen la reproducción intergeneracional de la pobreza y consolidan brechas de desigualdad que acentúan los procesos de “desinstitucionalización” y “desocialización”, entre otros: sistemas educativos insuficientemente adaptados al mundo del trabajo actual o a la escolarización masiva de jóvenes provenientes de hogares vulnerables, mercados de trabajo precarios a los que muchos jóvenes se incorporan con baja calificación, o condiciones socioambientales que afectan gravemente las condiciones de salud de jóvenes de barrios marginales. Los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible marcan con claridad el sendero a transitar en los próximos años, así como también resaltan la necesidad de innovación y fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas para asegurar “que ningún joven será dejado atrás”. La Agenda 2030 representa una oportunidad única para que el Estado, el sector privado, la sociedad civil y el sistema de cooperación internacional aprovechen sinergias positivas para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población joven.
Adolescentes, Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable, Políticas públicas, Formulación de políticas, Políticas de salud
Youth and adolescent population represents a critical part of the global population. Its importance for a development agenda is not due to the quantity, but to other types of problems that favour the intergenerational reproduction of poverty and consolidate inequality gaps that accentuate the processes of \"deinstitutionalization\" and \"de-socialization\" of these populations, among others: educational systems insufficiently adapted to the current world of work or to the massive schooling of young peoplevulnerable households, precarious labour markets to which they have access. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are clearly pointing the way forward in the coming years, as well as highlighting the need for innovation and strengthening public policies to ensure \"that no young people will be left behind. The 2030 Agenda represents a unique opportunity for the State, the private sector, civil society and the international cooperation system to take advantage of positive synergies to improve the quality of life of young people.
Adolescents, Sustainanble Development Goals, Public policies, Policymaking, Health policies
The 2030 Agenda as a development tool for the young people in Argentina.
Resumo (abstract):
Youth and adolescent population represents a critical part of the global population. Its importance for a development agenda is not due to the quantity, but to other types of problems that favour the intergenerational reproduction of poverty and consolidate inequality gaps that accentuate the processes of \"deinstitutionalization\" and \"de-socialization\" of these populations, among others: educational systems insufficiently adapted to the current world of work or to the massive schooling of young peoplevulnerable households, precarious labour markets to which they have access. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are clearly pointing the way forward in the coming years, as well as highlighting the need for innovation and strengthening public policies to ensure \"that no young people will be left behind. The 2030 Agenda represents a unique opportunity for the State, the private sector, civil society and the international cooperation system to take advantage of positive synergies to improve the quality of life of young people.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Adolescents, Sustainanble Development Goals, Public policies, Policymaking, Health policies
Agosto, G, Fontela, M, Langsam, MG, Brandy, L. La Agenda 2030 como herramienta de desarrollo para los jóvenes en Argentina.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jun). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/la-agenda-2030-como-herramienta-de-desarrollo-para-los-jovenes-en-argentina/16848?id=16848