1283/2011 - La enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Investigación Cualitativa en el medio sanitario Teahing and learning qualitative research in the health services
La IC constituye una perspectiva de conocimiento necesaria en el medio sanitario. El trabajo asistencial se lleva a cabo siempre en contextos complejos y su mejora requiere de metodologías de investigación que asuman dicha complejidad. Sin embargo, el conocimiento y la puesta en práctica de la investigación cualitativa (IC) en los servicios de salud continúan siendo muy limitados. Entre los diversos factores que condicionan su desarrollo, la enseñanza-aprendizaje (E-A) de la IC resulta fundamental, y no sólo a nivel de pre-grado. Los profesionales y el medio sanitario presentan determinadas particularidades que han de ser tenidas en cuenta en el diseño y desarrollo de la E-A orientada a dicho campo. A partir de una experiencia formativa on-line durante ocho años para profesionales de Atención Primaria, se discuten los principales retos identificados al respecto.
Investigación Cualitativa
Servicios de Salud
Qualitative research constitutes a necessary perspective of knowledge within the field of health services. Health care always takes place in complex contexts and its improvement requires research methodologies that respond to such complexity. Nevertheless, the knowledge and use of qualitative research in health services is still very limited. Among the different factors that condition its development, the teaching and learning of qualitative research proves to be fundamental, even beyond undergraduate education. Healthcare professionals and health services present certain particularities that must be considered in the design and development of the teaching and learning of qualitative research. Based on an eight-year online training experience with Primary Care professionals, the main challenges are indentified and discussed.
Qualitative Research
Health Services
Teahing and learning qualitative research in the health services
Resumo (abstract):
Qualitative research constitutes a necessary perspective of knowledge within the field of health services. Health care always takes place in complex contexts and its improvement requires research methodologies that respond to such complexity. Nevertheless, the knowledge and use of qualitative research in health services is still very limited. Among the different factors that condition its development, the teaching and learning of qualitative research proves to be fundamental, even beyond undergraduate education. Healthcare professionals and health services present certain particularities that must be considered in the design and development of the teaching and learning of qualitative research. Based on an eight-year online training experience with Primary Care professionals, the main challenges are indentified and discussed.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Qualitative Research
Health Services
Calderón, C.. La enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Investigación Cualitativa en el medio sanitario. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/dez). [Citado em 21/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/la-ensenanzaaprendizaje-de-la-investigacion-cualitativa-en-el-medio-sanitario/9293?id=9293