O artigo aborda uma experiência de gestão local do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) que logrou implementar o cuidado em rede e tomou o trabalho como um determinante de saúde transversal, por meio da ação integrada entre atores dispostos na atenção básica e nas Redes de Atenção Psicossocial e de Saúde do Trabalhador. Foi feito o acompanhamento de um trabalhador de uma indústria automotiva, cuja atividade laboral o levou a desenvolver um processo de adoecimento por inalação de substâncias químicas. O referencial teórico e o método de análise sustentam-se no reconhecimento do usuário-guia como estratégia de investigação. A biografia do usuário-guia revelou um sofrimento apartado da vida concreta do homem trabalhador. Os aspectos orgânicos deflagradores de um transtorno mental foram banalizados ou negligenciados, em vários serviços, na compreensão do processo de adoecimento que teve origem no seu trabalho. Consoante aos estudos atuais em Saúde Mental relacionada ao Trabalho, os resultados ratificam a necessidade de uma clínica contextualizada do trabalho, da integração entre os serviços e das intervenções intersetoriais, de acordo com as diretrizes do SUS e as políticas públicas de Saúde Mental e de Saúde do Trabalhador, pautadas no direito à vida, no respeito à dignidade e no compromisso ético com a saúde das pessoas.
Saúde do Trabalhador; Saúde Mental; Redes Integradas de Serviços de Saúde; psicose orgânica; usuário-guia.
The article addresses an experience of local management of the Unified Health System (SUS) that managed to implement networked care and took work as a determinant of transversal health, through the integrated action between actors disposed in primary care and in the Care Networks Psychosocial and Occupational Health. A workeran automotive industry was monitored, whose work activity led him to develop a process of illness due to inhalation of chemical substances. The theoretical framework and the method of analysis are based on the recognition of the user-guide as an investigation strategy. The biography of the user-guide revealed a suffering apartthe concrete life of the working man. The organic aspects that trigger a mental disorder have been trivialized or neglected, in various services, in the understanding of the illness process that originated in their work. Depending on current studies in Mental Health related to Work, the results confirm the need for a contextualized workplace clinic, integration between services and intersectoral interventions, in accordance with SUS guidelines and public policies on Mental Health and Health of the Worker, based on the right to life, respect for dignity and an ethical commitment to people\'s health.
Occupational Health; Mental Health; Integrated Health Service Networks; Organic Psychosis; Patient Participation.
Madness and work: comprehensiveness and network care in the SUS
Resumo (abstract):
The article addresses an experience of local management of the Unified Health System (SUS) that managed to implement networked care and took work as a determinant of transversal health, through the integrated action between actors disposed in primary care and in the Care Networks Psychosocial and Occupational Health. A workeran automotive industry was monitored, whose work activity led him to develop a process of illness due to inhalation of chemical substances. The theoretical framework and the method of analysis are based on the recognition of the user-guide as an investigation strategy. The biography of the user-guide revealed a suffering apartthe concrete life of the working man. The organic aspects that trigger a mental disorder have been trivialized or neglected, in various services, in the understanding of the illness process that originated in their work. Depending on current studies in Mental Health related to Work, the results confirm the need for a contextualized workplace clinic, integration between services and intersectoral interventions, in accordance with SUS guidelines and public policies on Mental Health and Health of the Worker, based on the right to life, respect for dignity and an ethical commitment to people\'s health.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Occupational Health; Mental Health; Integrated Health Service Networks; Organic Psychosis; Patient Participation.
Garbin, A. De C., dos Reis, Artthur Chioro, Pintor, E. A. da S., Marques, M. S., Branco, M. A. C., Capozzolo, A. A.. Loucura e o trabalho: integralidade e cuidado em rede no SUS. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/jul). [Citado em 06/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/loucura-e-o-trabalho-integralidade-e-cuidado-em-rede-no-sus/18158?id=18158