• Andrea Maria Silveira - Silveira, Andrea Maria - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social - <silveira@medicina.ufmg.br>
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O Brasil possuía entre 2012 e 2014 aproximadamente 704.231 trabalhadores públicos em defesa social. Apesar da grandiosidade destes números a produção brasileira sobre a relação entre trabalho e saúde para esses profissionais é discreta, o que aumenta o interesse pelo livro organizado por John M. Violanti. O livro conta com 18 colaboradores, bioestatísticos, epidemiologistas, psiquiatras, psicólogos, cardiologista e médico intensivista. O livro tem como principal objetivo chamar atenção para os riscos á saúde menos conhecidos do trabalho policial. O livro está dividido em 11 capítulos, que tratam de fatores de risco no trabalho, disparidades nos indicadores de saúde dos policiais, associação entre trabalho policial e doença cardiovascular, risco de câncer, efeitos do trabalho em turnos sobre a saúde, efeitos dos fatores estressores sobre a saúde das policiais, suicídio policial, síndrome do estresse pós-traumático, resiliência no policiamento e tratamento da síndrome do estresse pós-traumático. Apesar de estar baseado em uma realidade distinta da brasileira, o livro traz importantes contribuições para a organização da atenção à saúde de policiais.
saúde do trabalhador
riscos ocupacionais
Brazil had between 2012 and 2014 approximately 704 231 public workers in social defense. Despite the grandiosity of these numbers the Brazilian scientific productions on the relationship between police activity and health is discreet, which increases interest in the book edited by John M. Violanti. The book has 18 contributors among biostatisticians, epidemiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, cardiologists and specialist on intensive care. The main purpose of this book is to focus on the less known dangers in policing. The book is divided into 11 chapters that address risk factors in police work, health disparities among police officers, the cardiovascular risk, the cancer mortality among police officers, the shift work and health consequences in policing, stressors and associated health effects for women police officers, police suicide, post-traumatic stress disorders symptoms, psychobiology and coexisting disorders in police officers, resilience in policing, treatment of trauma in police officers. Although the book depicts a different scenario from the Brazilian reality and not bring a strong discussion on the role of organizational characteristics on the illness process, their information bring important insights for to the organization of police officers health care.
Dying For The Job: Police Work Exposure And Health
Resumo (abstract):
Brazil had between 2012 and 2014 approximately 704 231 public workers in social defense. Despite the grandiosity of these numbers the Brazilian scientific productions on the relationship between police activity and health is discreet, which increases interest in the book edited by John M. Violanti. The book has 18 contributors among biostatisticians, epidemiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, cardiologists and specialist on intensive care. The main purpose of this book is to focus on the less known dangers in policing. The book is divided into 11 chapters that address risk factors in police work, health disparities among police officers, the cardiovascular risk, the cancer mortality among police officers, the shift work and health consequences in policing, stressors and associated health effects for women police officers, police suicide, post-traumatic stress disorders symptoms, psychobiology and coexisting disorders in police officers, resilience in policing, treatment of trauma in police officers. Although the book depicts a different scenario from the Brazilian reality and not bring a strong discussion on the role of organizational characteristics on the illness process, their information bring important insights for to the organization of police officers health care.
Silveira, Andrea Maria. Morrendo Pelo Trabalho: Trabalho Policial E Saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/ago). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/morrendo-pelo-trabalho-trabalho-policial-e-saude/15276?id=15276