0139/2012 - Mortalidade por suicídio em pessoas com 60 anos ou mais nos municípios brasileiros no período de 1996 a 2007 Suicide mortality in people aged 60 years or more in Brazilian cities in the period 1996 to 2007
Este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a magnitude do suicídio em idosos em nível nacional. Foi feita uma descrição da mortalidade por suicídio nos municípios brasileiros, visando estabelecer aqueles de maior frequência do evento. Empregou-se dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM/MS) para o período de 1996 a 2007 (triênios), sendo utilizados os eventos com códigos X60 a X84 e Y87.0 da 10ª revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10). As taxas foram padronizadas segundo critérios da OMS. Verificou-se que 3.039 municípios brasileiros têm registros de casos de suicídio de pessoas com 60 anos ou mais em pelo menos um dos triênios analisados (54,6% do total de municípios). Um total de 29,3% de municípios se localiza na região Sul, 29,6%, na região Sudeste e 27,5% na região Nordeste. O Rio Grande do Sul concentra o maior percentual de municípios com casos nos quatro triênios (27,3%), sendo seguido pelos estados de São Paulo (17,4%) e Santa Catarina (9,1%). Quanto à evolução temporal, observou-se redução das taxas do triênio inicial para o triênio final em 32 dos 51 municípios com taxas mais elevadas em todo o período de análise. A razão média de óbitos homem/mulher foi de 2,8 mortes masculinas para cada morte feminina. O principal meio empregado é o enforcamento, estrangulamento e sufocação tanto entre homens (58,2%) quanto entre mulheres (49,8%).
The aim of the present article was to know the magnitude of suicide cases among elderly people nation-wide. A description of mortality by suicide in Brazilian cities was done, with the objective of establishing those with higher frequency of the event. Data from the Information System about Mortality (SIM/MS) were applied during the period of 1996 to 2007, using the events with codes X60 until X84 and Y87.0 of the 10th review of the International Classification of Diseases (CID-10). The rates were standardized according to the criteria of the World Health Organization. It was discovered that 3,039 Brazilian cities have had incidence of suicide cases among people than 60 in at least one of the triennium analyzed (54.6% of the total of cities). A total of 29.3% of those cities were in the South Region, 29.6% in the Southeast and 27.5% in the Northeast. In terms of units of the federation, Rio Grande do Sul has the biggest percentage of cities with suicide cases in the four triennium (27.3%), followed by the states of São Paulo (17.4%) and Santa Catarina (9.1%). Comparing the first and the final triennium, it was observed that there was a reduction in 32 of the 51 counties with higher rates. The mean ratio of deaths man/woman was 2.8 male deaths for every female death. The main mean utilized is hanging, strangulation and suffocation among both men (58.2%) and women (49.8%).
Suicide mortality in people aged 60 years or more in Brazilian cities in the period 1996 to 2007
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the present article was to know the magnitude of suicide cases among elderly people nation-wide. A description of mortality by suicide in Brazilian cities was done, with the objective of establishing those with higher frequency of the event. Data from the Information System about Mortality (SIM/MS) were applied during the period of 1996 to 2007, using the events with codes X60 until X84 and Y87.0 of the 10th review of the International Classification of Diseases (CID-10). The rates were standardized according to the criteria of the World Health Organization. It was discovered that 3,039 Brazilian cities have had incidence of suicide cases among people than 60 in at least one of the triennium analyzed (54.6% of the total of cities). A total of 29.3% of those cities were in the South Region, 29.6% in the Southeast and 27.5% in the Northeast. In terms of units of the federation, Rio Grande do Sul has the biggest percentage of cities with suicide cases in the four triennium (27.3%), followed by the states of São Paulo (17.4%) and Santa Catarina (9.1%). Comparing the first and the final triennium, it was observed that there was a reduction in 32 of the 51 counties with higher rates. The mean ratio of deaths man/woman was 2.8 male deaths for every female death. The main mean utilized is hanging, strangulation and suffocation among both men (58.2%) and women (49.8%).
Pinto, L.W., Assis, S.G., Pires, T.O., Minayo, M.C.S. Mortalidade por suicídio em pessoas com 60 anos ou mais nos municípios brasileiros no período de 1996 a 2007. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/mar). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/mortalidade-por-suicidio-em-pessoas-com-60-anos-ou-mais-nos-municipios-brasileiros-no-periodo-de-1996-a-2007/9482?id=9482