0462/2016 - O colapso de turim: Patografias de nietzsche e racionalidades médicas. The breakdown in turin: Nietzsche’s pathographies and medical rationalities.
• Rogerio da Silva Paes Henriques - Henriques, Rogerio da Silva Paes - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social - <ruggerosph@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
História e Saúde
Aos 44 anos, após sofrer um colapso em Turim, o filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche recebeu o diagnóstico médico de neurossífilis. Devido à ausência de autópsia em seu corpo, tal diagnóstico médico vem sendo questionado historicamente. Realizou-se a revisão da literatura disponível sobre o diagnóstico médico de Nietzsche. Destacam-se três gêneros patográficos que emergiram sucessivamente como explicações para o colapso de Turim: (1) narrativas sobre a sífilis (“demoníaco-patológicas”); (2) narrativas sobre as psicoses funcionais (“heroico-proféticas”); (3) narrativas sobre outras doenças orgânicas, distintas da sífilis (“científico-realistas”). Estas últimas – que correspondem ao nosso objeto de estudo propriamente dito neste trabalho – empreendem diagnósticos retrospectivos, buscando extrair a “verdade” subjacente à doença e elucidar o “caso Nietzsche”. Questionamos tal ímpeto detetivesco, exponenciado atualmente pela “medicina baseada em evidência”, e denunciamos seu anacronismo. A sífilis tornou-se um fato científico somente após a morte de Nietzsche. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico por ele recebido mostra-se consistente com a racionalidade médica oitocentista e com o estatuto da sífilis como um fato cultural naquela época.
colapso de TurimNietzschepatografias
At age 44, after suffering a breakdown in Turin, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche received the following medical diagnosis: neurosyphilis. There was no necropsy on his body, so this medical diagnosis has been questioned over the time. We conducted a literature review about medical diagnosis of Nietzsche. It emphasizes three genres of pathographies that emerged successively as alternatives explanations for Nietzsche’s breakdown in Turin: (1) narratives about syphilis (“demoniac-pathological”); (2) narratives about functional psychosis (“heroic-prophetic”); (3) other narratives about organic diseases, distinctsyphilis (“scientific-realistic”). The latter – which correspond to our study object itself in this work – undertake retrospective diagnostics, trying to extract the \"truth\" underlying the disease and elucidating the \"case Nietzsche.\" We inquire this detective impetus, taken to the extreme by “evidence-based medicine”, and we denounce its anachronism. Syphilis has become a scientific fact only after the death of Nietzsche. We conclude that the diagnosis he received is shown to be consistent with the nineteenth-century medical rationality and the syphilis status as a cultural fact at that time.
The breakdown in turin: Nietzsche’s pathographies and medical rationalities.
Resumo (abstract):
At age 44, after suffering a breakdown in Turin, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche received the following medical diagnosis: neurosyphilis. There was no necropsy on his body, so this medical diagnosis has been questioned over the time. We conducted a literature review about medical diagnosis of Nietzsche. It emphasizes three genres of pathographies that emerged successively as alternatives explanations for Nietzsche’s breakdown in Turin: (1) narratives about syphilis (“demoniac-pathological”); (2) narratives about functional psychosis (“heroic-prophetic”); (3) other narratives about organic diseases, distinctsyphilis (“scientific-realistic”). The latter – which correspond to our study object itself in this work – undertake retrospective diagnostics, trying to extract the \"truth\" underlying the disease and elucidating the \"case Nietzsche.\" We inquire this detective impetus, taken to the extreme by “evidence-based medicine”, and we denounce its anachronism. Syphilis has become a scientific fact only after the death of Nietzsche. We conclude that the diagnosis he received is shown to be consistent with the nineteenth-century medical rationality and the syphilis status as a cultural fact at that time.
Henriques, Rogerio da Silva Paes. O colapso de turim: Patografias de nietzsche e racionalidades médicas.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/out). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-colapso-de-turim-patografias-de-nietzsche-e-racionalidades-medicas/15888?id=15888