0074/2019 - O excesso de peso modifica a composição nutricional do leite materno? uma revisão sistemática. Overweight modifies the nutritional composition of human milk? a systematic review.
Objetivo: Identificar associação entre excesso de peso e composição nutricional do leite materno. Métodos: Foi realizada revisão sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), EMBASE, Web of Science e SCOPUS. As buscas foram realizadas de maio a junho de 2018, com os descritores: “Human Milk” and “Overweight” or “Obesity” or “Body Mass Index”. Resultados: A busca bibliográfica resultou em 435 artigos após remoção das duplicatas. Desse total, 12 foram selecionados para leitura dos resumos e nove foram inseridos para compor a presente revisão sistemática. Oito artigos demonstraram que o excesso de peso acarretou aumento da concentração total de lipídeos, e/ou glicose e/ou frações de macronutrientes (ômega 3, 6, triglicerídeos, aminoácidos) e um estudo não observou associação entre o excesso de peso e a composição nutricional do leite humano. Conclusão: A maior parte dos artigos selecionados observou que a obesidade modificou a concentração total de lipídeos e de suas frações. Portanto, é recomendado que o peso e a estatura da mulher sejam avaliados na consulta pré-concepcional, a fim de identificar e acompanhar desvios nutricionais, contribuindo para a adequação do peso antes da gravidez e auxiliando na produção de leite com conteúdo nutricional adequado.
Excesso de peso. Leite Humano. Composição nutricional. Revisão Sistemática.
Aim: To identify the association between overweight and the nutritional composition of breast milk. Methods: The review consisted of the search for articles published in PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (Virtual Health Library [VHL]) EMBASE, Web of Science and SCOPUS. The searches were conductedMay to June 2018, using the following keywords: \"Milk Human\" and \"Overweight\" or \"Obesity\" or \"Body Mass Index\". Results: The bibliographic search resulted in 435 articles after the duplicates were removed. Of this total, 12 articles were ed to read the abstracts and nine were ed to compose the present systematic review. Eight articles showed that overweight increased the total concentration of lipid, and / or glucose and / or macronutrient fractions (omega 3, 6, triglycerides, amino acids). Only one study found no association between overweight and the nutritional composition of human milk. Conclusion: Most articles ed showed that obesity modified the total concentration of lipids and their fractions. Therefore, it is recommended that in the preconception consultation the weight and height of the woman should be evaluated in order to identify and accompany the women with nutritional deviation, contributing to the adequacy of the weight before pregnancy and assisting in the production of milk with adequate nutritional composition.
Overweight. Human milk. Nutritional Composition. Systematic Review.
Overweight modifies the nutritional composition of human milk? a systematic review.
Resumo (abstract):
Aim: To identify the association between overweight and the nutritional composition of breast milk. Methods: The review consisted of the search for articles published in PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (Virtual Health Library [VHL]) EMBASE, Web of Science and SCOPUS. The searches were conductedMay to June 2018, using the following keywords: \"Milk Human\" and \"Overweight\" or \"Obesity\" or \"Body Mass Index\". Results: The bibliographic search resulted in 435 articles after the duplicates were removed. Of this total, 12 articles were ed to read the abstracts and nine were ed to compose the present systematic review. Eight articles showed that overweight increased the total concentration of lipid, and / or glucose and / or macronutrient fractions (omega 3, 6, triglycerides, amino acids). Only one study found no association between overweight and the nutritional composition of human milk. Conclusion: Most articles ed showed that obesity modified the total concentration of lipids and their fractions. Therefore, it is recommended that in the preconception consultation the weight and height of the woman should be evaluated in order to identify and accompany the women with nutritional deviation, contributing to the adequacy of the weight before pregnancy and assisting in the production of milk with adequate nutritional composition.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Overweight. Human milk. Nutritional Composition. Systematic Review.
Oliveira, E, Moreira, M. E. L, Rocha, D.M, Amaral, Y.N.V, Abranches, A, Soares, FVM. O excesso de peso modifica a composição nutricional do leite materno? uma revisão sistemática.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mar). [Citado em 14/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-excesso-de-peso-modifica-a-composicao-nutricional-do-leite-materno-uma-revisao-sistematica/17148?id=17148