0381/2016 - O processo de trabalho no arquivo médico: novas perspectivas na produção do ato de cuidar em saúde Work process in the medical file sector: new perspectives on the production of health care act
• Maria Amelia Costa - Costa, Maria Amelia - Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio/EPSJV/Fiocruz - <costa49@gmail.com> +
• Ana Lúcia Abrahão - Abrahão, A.L. - Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa/EEAAC - <abrahaoana@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
Ciências Sociais
Geralmente, estudos referidos ao arquivo médico se restringem à análise documental. Suas atividades alcançam pouca expressividade para além das teorias da administração científica, dificultando a percepção de que nestas possa ocorrer produção do cuidado. O estudo propõe analisar o processo de trabalho dos trabalhadores do arquivo médico hospitalar a partir da dinâmica da micropolítica articulada à análise institucional. Enquanto pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, com referenciais da micropolítica do processo de trabalho em saúde e da Análise Institucional, o estudo identifica com analisadores questões do cotidiano do arquivo médico capazes de revelar estratégias elaboradas por seus trabalhadores e disputas que ocorrem no dia a dia. Assim, foi possível reconhecer em dois hospitais que estes trabalhadores detinham saberes importantes sobre a dinâmica do processo de trabalho em saúde. Como dinamizadores do processo de cuidado do usuário, estabelecem estratégias próprias na dinâmica de cuidar que incidem diretamente na dimensão cuidadora desses hospitais. Nesta perspectiva, introduzir novas investigações sobre este processo de trabalho possibilita diversificar o debate acerca do cuidado em saúde e ampliar o escopo de pesquisa referidas à saúde coletiva.
Fluxo de trabalhoServiços de saúdePesquisa qualitativa
Generally, studies concerning the medical file are restricted to the analysis of documents. Its activities achieve little expressiveness beyond the theories of scientific management, making it difficult to realize that care production may occur during these activities. The study aims at to analyze the work process of the hospital medical file sector from the dynamics of micro-articulated institutional analysis. As a descriptive qualitative research, theoretically based on Institutional Analysis and micro-politics concepts of the work process in health, the study identifies that everyday issues of the medical file sector can disclose strategies developed by health workers, and disputes that occur on a daily basis. Therefore, it was possible to recognize in two hospitals that these workers held important knowledge about the dynamics of the health work process. As facilitators of user care process, they establish their own strategies in the dynamics of care that reflects directly on the care dimension of these hospitals. In this perspective, to introduce new investigations about this work process allows us to diversify the debate about health care, and broaden the scope of research referred to public health.
Work process in the medical file sector: new perspectives on the production of health care act
Resumo (abstract):
Generally, studies concerning the medical file are restricted to the analysis of documents. Its activities achieve little expressiveness beyond the theories of scientific management, making it difficult to realize that care production may occur during these activities. The study aims at to analyze the work process of the hospital medical file sector from the dynamics of micro-articulated institutional analysis. As a descriptive qualitative research, theoretically based on Institutional Analysis and micro-politics concepts of the work process in health, the study identifies that everyday issues of the medical file sector can disclose strategies developed by health workers, and disputes that occur on a daily basis. Therefore, it was possible to recognize in two hospitals that these workers held important knowledge about the dynamics of the health work process. As facilitators of user care process, they establish their own strategies in the dynamics of care that reflects directly on the care dimension of these hospitals. In this perspective, to introduce new investigations about this work process allows us to diversify the debate about health care, and broaden the scope of research referred to public health.
Costa, Maria Amelia, Abrahão, A.L.. O processo de trabalho no arquivo médico: novas perspectivas na produção do ato de cuidar em saúde. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/ago). [Citado em 10/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-processo-de-trabalho-no-arquivo-medico-novas-perspectivas-na-producao-do-ato-de-cuidar-em-saude/15807?id=15807