0520/2018 - Obesidade abdominal no ELSA-Brasil: Construção de padrão-ouro latente e avaliação da acurácia de indicadores diagnósticos. Abdominal obesity in ELSA-Brasil: Construction of latent gold standard and evaluation of the accuracy of diagnostic indicators.
Este estudo avaliou a acurácia de indicadores de obesidade abdominal (OA), definindo uma variável latente como padrão-ouro. Métodos: Foram estudados 12232 participantes do ELSA-Brasil de 35 a 74 anos. Avaliou-se três indicadores de OA, estratificados por sexo e raça/cor: circunferência da cintura (CC), razão cintura quadril (RCQ) e índice de conicidade (Índice C). Resultados: Todos os grupos mostraram elevadas prevalências de OA, maiores entre os homens brancos (~70%) e mulheres pretas (~60%). Observou-se alta acurácia da CC para homens, RCQ e índice C entre homens e mulheres para discriminar OA latente. Identificou-se os seguintes pontos de corte para os indicadores de OA entre os homens brancos, pardos e pretos, respectivamente: CC: 89,9; 90,2 e 91,7cm; RCQ: 0,92; 0,92 e 0,90; índice C: 1,24; 1,24 e 1,24. Para as mulheres brancas, pardas e pretas, respectivamente, os pontos de corte identificados foram: CC: 80,4; 82,7 e 85,4cm; RCQ: 0,82; 0,83 e 0,84; índice C: 1,20; 1,22 e 1,19. Conclusão: A CC entre os homens e a RCQ e índice C entre homens e mulheres apresentaram alto poder para discriminar OA latente, sendo o índice C o melhor indicador.
obesidade abdominal, avaliação nutricional; padrões de referência, prevalência.
This study evaluated the accuracy of abdominal obesity (OA) indicators, defining a latent variable as gold standard. Methods: 12232 participants of the ELSA-Brasil were studied, with ages between 35 and 74 years. Three AO indicators were evaluated: waist circumference (WC), waist hip ratio (WHR) and conicity index (C index). Analyzes were stratified by sex and race/skin color. Results: All groups had high prevalences of AO, being it greater between white men (~70%) and black women (~60%). A high accuracy of WC was observed for men, WHR and C index between men and women for discriminating latent AO. The following cutoffs points for AO indicators were identified among white, brown and blacks men, respectively: WC: 89.9cm; 90.2cm and 91.7cm; WHR: 0.92; 0.92 and 0.90; C index: 1.24; 1.24 and 1.24. The cutoffs points identified among white, brown and blacks women were, respectively: WC: 80.4cm, 82.7cm and 85.4cm; WHR: 0.82; 0.83 and 0.84; C index: 1.20; 1.22 and 1.19 Conclusion: The WC among men and the WHR and C index among men and women presented high power to discriminate latent AO, being C index the best indicator.
Abdominal obesity in ELSA-Brasil: Construction of latent gold standard and evaluation of the accuracy of diagnostic indicators.
Resumo (abstract):
This study evaluated the accuracy of abdominal obesity (OA) indicators, defining a latent variable as gold standard. Methods: 12232 participants of the ELSA-Brasil were studied, with ages between 35 and 74 years. Three AO indicators were evaluated: waist circumference (WC), waist hip ratio (WHR) and conicity index (C index). Analyzes were stratified by sex and race/skin color. Results: All groups had high prevalences of AO, being it greater between white men (~70%) and black women (~60%). A high accuracy of WC was observed for men, WHR and C index between men and women for discriminating latent AO. The following cutoffs points for AO indicators were identified among white, brown and blacks men, respectively: WC: 89.9cm; 90.2cm and 91.7cm; WHR: 0.92; 0.92 and 0.90; C index: 1.24; 1.24 and 1.24. The cutoffs points identified among white, brown and blacks women were, respectively: WC: 80.4cm, 82.7cm and 85.4cm; WHR: 0.82; 0.83 and 0.84; C index: 1.20; 1.22 and 1.19 Conclusion: The WC among men and the WHR and C index among men and women presented high power to discriminate latent AO, being C index the best indicator.
Eickemberg, M, Amorim, L.D.A.F, Almeida, M. C. C, Pitanga, F.J.G, Aquino, E.M.L, Fonseca, M.J.M, Matos, S.M.A. Obesidade abdominal no ELSA-Brasil: Construção de padrão-ouro latente e avaliação da acurácia de indicadores diagnósticos.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/dez). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/obesidade-abdominal-no-elsabrasil-construcao-de-padraoouro-latente-e-avaliacao-da-acuracia-de-indicadores-diagnosticos/17053?id=17053