0294/2017 - Origin-destination flows in chemotherapy for breast cancer in Brazil: implications for pharmaceutical services. Fluxos origem-destino para quimioterapia para o câncer de mama no Brasil: Implicações para a assistência farmacêutica.
Este estudo mapeia e analisa os fluxos percorridos por pacientes em uso de quimioterapia para o tratamento do câncer de mama no Brasil, usando metodologia de redes, de forma a identificar potenciais implicações para organização da assistência farmacêutica na rede de atenção oncológica. Realizou-se um estudo ecológico correlacionando o local de residência e de atendimento de pacientes com câncer de mama. Incluiu-se todos os procedimentos de quimioterapia financiados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), realizados no ano de 2013. O mapeamento dos fluxos foi efetuado no programa TerraView®. Foram realizados 1.347.803 procedimentos ambulatoriais de quimioterapia em 243 unidades habilitadas pelo SUS, sediadas em 156 municípios brasileiros. Dezessete cidades concentraram aproximadamente 50,0% dos atendimentos. Foram gerados 8.538 fluxos de origem-destino e 49,2% dos procedimentos foram realizados em serviços sediados fora do município de residência da mulher. Alguns aspectos da organização da assistência farmacêutica, relacionados a desigualdades no acesso à quimioterapia e dificuldades no planejamento de ações e serviços farmacêuticos foram problematizados frente ao contexto apresentado.
Assistência Farmacêutica; Assistência à Saúde; Câncer de mama; Análise Espacial; Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde.
This study maps and analyzes patient flows for breast cancer chemotherapy in order to identify the potential implications for organization of pharmaceutical services in the cancer care network. An ecological study design sought to correlate the place of residence with place of care for breast cancer patients. All chemotherapy procedures financed by Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS) and performedJanuary to December 2013 were included. Flows were mapped using TerraView® software. A total of 1 347 803 outpatient chemotherapy procedures were delivered by 243 cancer care units located in 156 municipalities. Seventeen cities concentrated approximately 50.0 % of the procedures. A total of 8 538 origin-destination flows were generated and 49.2% of procedures were performed in services located outside the municipality in which the patient resided. Context challenges, related to inequality of access to chemotherapy and hindrances in planning and management of pharmaceutical services, were discussed.
pharmaceutical services; healthcare delivery; breast cancer; spatial analysis; health services accessibility.
Fluxos origem-destino para quimioterapia para o câncer de mama no Brasil: Implicações para a assistência farmacêutica.
Resumo (abstract):
This study maps and analyzes patient flows for breast cancer chemotherapy in order to identify the potential implications for organization of pharmaceutical services in the cancer care network. An ecological study design sought to correlate the place of residence with place of care for breast cancer patients. All chemotherapy procedures financed by Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS) and performedJanuary to December 2013 were included. Flows were mapped using TerraView® software. A total of 1 347 803 outpatient chemotherapy procedures were delivered by 243 cancer care units located in 156 municipalities. Seventeen cities concentrated approximately 50.0 % of the procedures. A total of 8 538 origin-destination flows were generated and 49.2% of procedures were performed in services located outside the municipality in which the patient resided. Context challenges, related to inequality of access to chemotherapy and hindrances in planning and management of pharmaceutical services, were discussed.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
pharmaceutical services; healthcare delivery; breast cancer; spatial analysis; health services accessibility.
Sobreira, M.J., Melo, E, Osorio-de-Castro, C.G.S. Origin-destination flows in chemotherapy for breast cancer in Brazil: implications for pharmaceutical services.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/set). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/origindestination-flows-in-chemotherapy-for-breast-cancer-in-brazil-implications-for-pharmaceutical-services/16346?id=16346