0146/2020 - Overdentures as an alternative to conventional dentures: A micro-costing analysis for public health service in Brazil Overdentures como alternativa às próteses convencionais: Uma análise de micro-custeio para o sistema único de saúde
Estimar os custos e a compatibilidade dos incentivos públicos de duas tecnologias para o tratamento da mandíbula edêntula:prótese total convencional (PTC) e overdenture retida por dois implantes (OD). Metodologia: Este estudo consistiu de uma avaliação econômica parcial, com abordagem “bottom-up” para o cálculo dos custos diretos. As estimativas levaram em consideração o número de consultas, proporção de materiais, equipamentos, vida útil dos instrumentais e recursos humanos.Os custos foram baseados no painel de preços do Ministério da Economia do Brasil e informações complementares foram obtidas de um painel de especialistas. Uma análise de sensibilidade foi baseada na variação de 20% dos custos.Resultados: Os custos da PTC foram estimados em R$189,89 (cenário base) com variação entre R$ 151,91 e R$ 227,89 na análise de sensibilidade. O custo daOD foi R$ 663,05 (variando de R$ 795,66 a R$ 530,44). O Ministério da Saúde cobre apropriadamente os custos de ambas tecnologias nos cenários base e mais otimista. Conclusão: Ambas as tecnologias apresentaram custos dentro dos limites dos incentivos públicos recebidos. As tecnologias são economicamente viáveis e devem ser induzidas por políticas públicas diante do impacto positivo em vários domínios funcionais da saúde.
This study aimed to estimate cost and compatibility with public financial incentivesof two technologies for treatingthe edentulous mandible: lower complete dentures (CD) and overdentures retained by two dental implants (OD). Methods: This study consisted of a partial economic evaluation, with a micro-costing bottom-up approach for the calculation of direct costs. The estimates involved the number of consultations, proportion of materials, equipment, instruments’ lifetime, and human resources, described in the price panel website of the Ministry of Economyin Brazil. Complementary information was obtaineda panel of experts. A sensitivity analysis was based on 20% variation. Results: The estimated costs of a CD was R$ 189.89(base scenario), and this varied between R$ 151.91 and R$ 227.89 according to sensibility analysis. The costs of an OD wereR$ 663.05 (rangingR$ 795.66 to R$ 530.44 – 1US= R$ 3.80/July 2019). The Ministry of Health covers appropriately the costs of the CD and OD.Conclusion:Both technologies showed costs that are within the limits of financial public incentives obtained by municipalities.The technologiesare economically viable and should be induced through public policies due to their positive impacts on several functional domains of health.
Overdentures como alternativa às próteses convencionais: Uma análise de micro-custeio para o sistema único de saúde
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to estimate cost and compatibility with public financial incentivesof two technologies for treatingthe edentulous mandible: lower complete dentures (CD) and overdentures retained by two dental implants (OD). Methods: This study consisted of a partial economic evaluation, with a micro-costing bottom-up approach for the calculation of direct costs. The estimates involved the number of consultations, proportion of materials, equipment, instruments’ lifetime, and human resources, described in the price panel website of the Ministry of Economyin Brazil. Complementary information was obtaineda panel of experts. A sensitivity analysis was based on 20% variation. Results: The estimated costs of a CD was R$ 189.89(base scenario), and this varied between R$ 151.91 and R$ 227.89 according to sensibility analysis. The costs of an OD wereR$ 663.05 (rangingR$ 795.66 to R$ 530.44 – 1US= R$ 3.80/July 2019). The Ministry of Health covers appropriately the costs of the CD and OD.Conclusion:Both technologies showed costs that are within the limits of financial public incentives obtained by municipalities.The technologiesare economically viable and should be induced through public policies due to their positive impacts on several functional domains of health.
Cavalcante, D.F.B, Pereira, A.C., Cavalcanti, Y. W., Probst, L.F, Ambrosano, G.M.B.. Overdentures as an alternative to conventional dentures: A micro-costing analysis for public health service in Brazil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jun). [Citado em 13/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/overdentures-as-an-alternative-to-conventional-dentures-a-microcosting-analysis-for-public-health-service-in-brazil/17628?id=17628