• José Mansano Bauman - Bauman, José Mansano - São Leopoldo Mandic Dental School and Research Center, Public Health - <jmbauman@gmail.com>
• Souza, João Gabriel Silva - Souza, João Gabriel Silva - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - <jgabriel.ssouza@yahoo.com.br>
• Claudiana Donato Bauman - Bauman , Claudiana Donato - Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde - <caubauman@gmail.com>
• Flávia Martão Flório - Flório, F.M. - Campinas, São Paulo - São Leopoldo Mandic Dental School and Research Center, Public Health - <flaviaflorio@yahoo.com>
Área Temática:
Saúde Bucal
Objetivou-se avaliar a prevalência e o padrão de distribuição da má oclusão em pré-escolares brasileiros e sua associação com macrorregião, local de moradia, sexo e raça autodeclarada. Foram analisados dados de 6855 crianças de 5 anos participantes do SB Brasil 2010. No levantamento, a má oclusão foi diagnosticada segundo o Índice de Foster e Hamilton. Conduziu-se análises descritivas, bivariadas e múltiplas (RP/IC95%). Identificou-se que 63,2% das crianças possuíam ao menos um dos problemas oclusais avaliados: chave de caninos (22,9%), sobressaliência (32,9%), sobremordida (34,6%), e mordida cruzada posterior (18,7%) e, portanto, foram considerados com má oclusão. Maior chance da presença de má oclusão foi identificada entre os residentes das regiões Centro-Oeste (1,08/IC95%-1,01-1,15), Nordeste (1,21/IC95%-1,14-1,28), Sudeste (1,27/IC95%-1,20-1,34) e Sul (1,34/IC95%-1,26-1,42), quando comparados aos residentes na região Norte. Foi maior também entre as crianças do sexo feminino (1,06/IC95%-1,02-1,09). Identificou-se elevada prevalência de má oclusão em pré-escolares brasileiros, sendo esta associada ao sexo e à macrorregião de moradia. Tais achados podem contribuir na ampliação de políticas públicas e no acesso ao tratamento para esta população.
Má oclusãoPré-escolarSaúde bucalPrevalência
The aim was to evaluate the prevalence and distribution profile of malocclusion in children and its association with macro-region, housing, gender and race self reported. 6855 children with 5 years old participating in the National Survey of Oral Health (called SB Brazil 2010) were analyzed. The malocclusion was diagnosed according to the Foster and Hamilton index. Descriptive, bivariate and Poisson Regression analyses (PR/CI95%) was conducted. Identified that 63.2% of children had at least one of the occlusal problems evaluated: canines key (22.9%), overjet (32.9%), overbite (34.6%), and crossbite (18.7%) and, therefore, were considered with malocclusion. Greater chance of presence of malocclusion was identified among the residents of the Midwest regions (1.08/1.01-1.15), Northeast (1.21/1.14-1.28), Southeast (1.27/-1.20-1.34) and South (1.34/1.26-1.42), when compared to residents in the North. Was higher among female children (1.06/1.02 -1.09). No associations were identified in relation to race and location of municipality (capital/no capital). Identified a high prevalence of malocclusion in preschool, this being associated with sex and the macro-region. These findings may contribute to the public policies expansion and access to treatment for this population.
Epidemiological pattern of malocclusion in Brazilian preschool children
Resumo (abstract):
The aim was to evaluate the prevalence and distribution profile of malocclusion in children and its association with macro-region, housing, gender and race self reported. 6855 children with 5 years old participating in the National Survey of Oral Health (called SB Brazil 2010) were analyzed. The malocclusion was diagnosed according to the Foster and Hamilton index. Descriptive, bivariate and Poisson Regression analyses (PR/CI95%) was conducted. Identified that 63.2% of children had at least one of the occlusal problems evaluated: canines key (22.9%), overjet (32.9%), overbite (34.6%), and crossbite (18.7%) and, therefore, were considered with malocclusion. Greater chance of presence of malocclusion was identified among the residents of the Midwest regions (1.08/1.01-1.15), Northeast (1.21/1.14-1.28), Southeast (1.27/-1.20-1.34) and South (1.34/1.26-1.42), when compared to residents in the North. Was higher among female children (1.06/1.02 -1.09). No associations were identified in relation to race and location of municipality (capital/no capital). Identified a high prevalence of malocclusion in preschool, this being associated with sex and the macro-region. These findings may contribute to the public policies expansion and access to treatment for this population.
Bauman, José Mansano , Souza, João Gabriel Silva, Bauman , Claudiana Donato, Flório, F.M.. Padrão epidemiológico da má oclusão em pré-escolares brasileiros.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 06/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/padrao-epidemiologico-da-ma-oclusao-em-preescolares-brasileiros/15961?id=15961