0525/2016 - Padrões alimentares e ingestão de nutrientes em idosos: análise com diferentes abordagens metodológicas Eating patterns and nutrient intake for older people: analysis with different methodological approaches
Este estudo objetivou analisar os padrões alimentares e a ingestão de nutrientes em cada padrão alimentar de idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com idosos de Botucatu, São Paulo. Foram analisadas as médias de ingestão diária de nutrientes de indivíduos com alta adesão a padrões alimentares identificados por análise fatorial, comparando a ingestão através de análise de variância. Indivíduos com alta adesão ao padrão Saudável apresentaram a maior média de ingestão de retinol, vitamina A e vitamina E. Indivíduos com alta adesão ao padrão Lanches e refeição de final de semana apresentaram médias de consumo menores de vitamina B12, vitamina C, fósforo e retinol; e as maiores médias de consumo de ferro, manganês e magnésio. Indivíduos com alta adesão ao padrão frutas apresentaram as menores médias de ingestão de fibras. Indivíduos com alta adesão ao padrão Light e integral apresentaram as maiores médias de ingestão de vitamina C. Indivíduos com alta adesão ao padrão Dieta branda apresentaram menor consumo de proteína e mais de açúcar de adição. Indivíduos com alta adesão ao padrão Tradicional apresentaram médias elevadas de ingestão de nutrientes. Foi possível uma melhor caracterização do comportamento alimentar dos idosos que aderem a cada um desses padrões alimentares.
This study aims to analyze the eating patterns and the nutrient intake for each pattern of older individuals. This is a cross-sectional study with older adults of Botucatu – São Paulo, Brazil. We analyzed the means of daily nutrient intake of individuals with high adherence to eating patterns identified by factor analysis, comparing the intake through analysis of variance. Individuals with high adeherence to the eating pattern Healthy showed the highest mean of retinol intake, vitamin A and the highest mean of vitamin E intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Snacks and weekend meal had lower means of vitamin B12, vitamin C, phosphorus and retinol intakes; and higher means of iron, manganese and magnesium intakes. Individuals with high adeherence to Fruits showed the lowest means of fiber intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Light and whole foods showed the highest means of vitamin C intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Soft diet had less protein intake and more added sugar intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Traditional pattern showed high means of nutrient intake. Better characterization of the feeding behavior of older adults who adhere to each of these eating patterns was possible.
Eating patterns and nutrient intake for older people: analysis with different methodological approaches
Resumo (abstract):
This study aims to analyze the eating patterns and the nutrient intake for each pattern of older individuals. This is a cross-sectional study with older adults of Botucatu – São Paulo, Brazil. We analyzed the means of daily nutrient intake of individuals with high adherence to eating patterns identified by factor analysis, comparing the intake through analysis of variance. Individuals with high adeherence to the eating pattern Healthy showed the highest mean of retinol intake, vitamin A and the highest mean of vitamin E intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Snacks and weekend meal had lower means of vitamin B12, vitamin C, phosphorus and retinol intakes; and higher means of iron, manganese and magnesium intakes. Individuals with high adeherence to Fruits showed the lowest means of fiber intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Light and whole foods showed the highest means of vitamin C intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Soft diet had less protein intake and more added sugar intake. Individuals with high adeherence to Traditional pattern showed high means of nutrient intake. Better characterization of the feeding behavior of older adults who adhere to each of these eating patterns was possible.
Ferreira-Nunes, Patrícia Moraes, Papini, Silvia Justina, Corrente, J. E.. Padrões alimentares e ingestão de nutrientes em idosos: análise com diferentes abordagens metodológicas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/padroes-alimentares-e-ingestao-de-nutrientes-em-idosos-analise-com-diferentes-abordagens-metodologicas/15951?id=15951