0011/2018 - Perfil das pessoas com deficiência física e Políticas Públicas: A distância entre intenções e gestos. Profile of people with disabilities and public policy: The distance between intentions and actions.
Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com abordagem quantitativa cujo objetivo principal foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico das pessoas com deficiência física residentes no município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina e analisá-lo frente às políticas públicas voltadas a esta população. A amostra mínima foi determinada por cálculo estatístico, considerando a população do município com deficiência física, conforme dados do Censo Populacional de 2010. Os dados foram coletados via formulário eletrônico instalado em dispositivos móveis e armazenados em um provedor virtual. A análise e tratamento dos dados foram realizados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Foram considerados 139 questionários. Os resultados foram divididos em Atributos individuais; Atributos sociais e Características relacionadas à deficiência. Além do perfil descritivo das pessoas com deficiência física o estudo analisa e discute o distanciamento entre a proposta das políticas públicas mundiais e brasileiras e as ações efetivas de atenção aos direitos destas pessoas. Assim, é fundamental agir frente as reais necessidades da população e consolidar as propostas de promoção, proteção e reabilitação da saúde.
Perfil de Saúde, Pessoas com Deficiência, Saúde Pública.
It is a cross-sectional study (cross-sectional study) with a quantitative approach. The objective was to describe the epidemiological profile of people with disabilities living in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina Brazil and analyze it in the face of public policies aimed at this population. The minimum sample size was determined by statistical calculation, considering the city\'s population with physical disabilities, according to the Population Census 2010. The data collected was by electronic form installed on mobile devices and stored in a virtual provider. The analysis and data processing were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Program. 139 questionnaires were considered. The results were divided into Individual attributes; Social attributes and Characteristics related to disability. In addition to the descriptive profile of people with physical disabilities the study analyzes and discusses the gap between the proposal of global and Brazilian public policies and effective actions of attention to the rights of these people. It is therefore crucial to act against the real needs of the population and consolidate the promotion of proposals, protection and health rehabilitation.
Epidemiological Profile, People with Disabilities, Public Health.
Profile of people with disabilities and public policy: The distance between intentions and actions.
Resumo (abstract):
It is a cross-sectional study (cross-sectional study) with a quantitative approach. The objective was to describe the epidemiological profile of people with disabilities living in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina Brazil and analyze it in the face of public policies aimed at this population. The minimum sample size was determined by statistical calculation, considering the city\'s population with physical disabilities, according to the Population Census 2010. The data collected was by electronic form installed on mobile devices and stored in a virtual provider. The analysis and data processing were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Program. 139 questionnaires were considered. The results were divided into Individual attributes; Social attributes and Characteristics related to disability. In addition to the descriptive profile of people with physical disabilities the study analyzes and discusses the gap between the proposal of global and Brazilian public policies and effective actions of attention to the rights of these people. It is therefore crucial to act against the real needs of the population and consolidate the promotion of proposals, protection and health rehabilitation.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Epidemiological Profile, People with Disabilities, Public Health.
Nogueira, GC, Schoeller, SD, Ramos, F.R.S, PADILHA, M.I., Marques, AMFB, Brehmer, L.C.F.. Perfil das pessoas com deficiência física e Políticas Públicas: A distância entre intenções e gestos.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/perfil-das-pessoas-com-deficiencia-fisica-e-politicas-publicas-a-distancia-entre-intencoes-e-gestos/16544?id=16544