• MARIA LÚCIA MAGALHÃES BOSI - Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi - Universidade Federal do Ceará - <malubosi@ufc.br>
Área Temática:
Não Categorizado
Este artigo apresenta um panorama concernente a objetos nucleares no debate atual do enfoque qualitativo referido ao contexto cientifico brasileiro e, mais especificamente, ao campo da saúde coletiva. A autora inicia demarcando alguns conceitos centrais à delimitação do objeto focalizado na análise. Em seguida, recupera o cenário atual dessa tradição de pesquisa na saúde, apontando um extenso conjunto de desafios, passando, então, à análise de cada um deles. Para tanto, a discussão transita entre os planos: epistêmico; ético; operacional, em suas relações com o estatuto cientifico desse enfoque no campo da saúde coletiva. Mediante um extenso elenco de indagações e exemplos fundamentados na empiria, a análise evidencia que, a despeito da grande expansão verificada e dos aportes à saúde coletiva concebida como campo de saberes e movimento, a pesquisa qualitativa ainda se depara com vários desafios, para a sua plena consolidação. Nesse sentido, demanda investimentos internos ao enfoque e, mais fortemente, certas dinâmicas na interface com os demais núcleos que constituem o campo analisado. Não obstante os desafios, o artigo conclui sinalizando para a possibilidade de novos pactos na saúde coletiva, tal como vem ocorrendo no que concerne à construção de outras agendas importantes nesse campo, visando a um modelo de ciência adequado à diversidade e à complexidade que o caracterizam.
pesquisa qualitativa
saúde coletiva
sistemas de sáúde
This article provides an overview regarding the nuclear themes in the debate about the qualitative health research approach, in the Brazilian scientific context and more specifically in collective health field. Based upon earlier productions, the author starts defining some central concepts in the analysis undertaken. Then, combining the literature on this subject with her academic praxis, examines the current status of this tradition of research, pointing out an extensive set of challenges. The discussion focuses on each one of them, moving between different plans: epistemic, ethical, operational, the training in this approach and its status in the scientific field. Considering various questions and based on empirical examples, the analysis shows that, despite the expansion observed in qualitative research and its contributions to public health, this approach still faces many challenges to consolidate its status. The situation demands investments in dialogue with the others approaches which form the core area. Despite these challenges, the author concludes pointing out the possibility of new pacts in public health field in order to build innovations in scientific evaluation considering the diversity and complexity of the collective health field and its objects.
qualitative research
public health
health systems
Resumo (abstract):
This article provides an overview regarding the nuclear themes in the debate about the qualitative health research approach, in the Brazilian scientific context and more specifically in collective health field. Based upon earlier productions, the author starts defining some central concepts in the analysis undertaken. Then, combining the literature on this subject with her academic praxis, examines the current status of this tradition of research, pointing out an extensive set of challenges. The discussion focuses on each one of them, moving between different plans: epistemic, ethical, operational, the training in this approach and its status in the scientific field. Considering various questions and based on empirical examples, the analysis shows that, despite the expansion observed in qualitative research and its contributions to public health, this approach still faces many challenges to consolidate its status. The situation demands investments in dialogue with the others approaches which form the core area. Despite these challenges, the author concludes pointing out the possibility of new pacts in public health field in order to build innovations in scientific evaluation considering the diversity and complexity of the collective health field and its objects.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
qualitative research
public health
health systems
Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi. PESQUISA QUALITATIVA EM SAÚDE COLETIVA: PANORAMA E DESAFIOS. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/nov). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/pesquisa-qualitativa-em-saude-coletiva-panorama-e-desafios/9220?id=9220