0246/2018 - Políticas de Saúde de adolescentes e jovens no contexto luso-brasileiro: Especificidades e aproximações. Health policies of adolescents and young people in the Portuguese-Brazilian context: Specificities and approximations.
Objetivo: caracterizar a produção científica sobre políticas e programas de saúde de adolescentes no Brasil e em Portugal no período 2010-2017. Método: estudo de revisão da literatura, baseado no método de Scoping Review. A questão de investigação: como se caracteriza a produção científica sobre políticas e programas de saúde de adolescentes do Brasil e de Portugal? As buscas foram realizadas no mês de outubro de 2017, nas plataformas BVS, EBSCO e Google Acadêmico. Resultados: foram selecionados 22 estudos, 17 brasileiros e 5 portugueses. Foram identificadas sete categorias temáticas transversais: avaliação de políticas e programas; promoção e educação para a saúde; saúde mental; saúde sexual e reprodutiva; violência; saúde bucal e saúde nutricional. Conclui-se que, embora em contextos sociais distintos, as temáticas refletem áreas tradicionais de intervenção das políticas e programas, com exceção daquelas decorrentes do fenômeno da violência estrutural, marcadamente presente na realidade brasileira. Ainda, ausência de temáticas emergentes como identidades de gênero, fluxos migratórios e morbimortalidade por causas externas, revelando possível vazio assistencial das políticas e programas e um campo necessário a ser explorado.
Adolescente, Saúde do adolescente, Políticas públicas, Programas Nacionais de Saúde, Atenção Integral à Saúde.
Objective: characterize the scientific production on adolescent health policies and programs in Brazil and Portugal in the period 2010-2017. Method: review of the literature, based on the method of Scoping Review. Research question: how is the scientific production about health policies and programs of adolescents in Brazil and Portugal characterized? The searches were conducted in October 2017 on BVS, EBSCO and Google Scholar. Results: 22 studies were ed, of which 17 Brazilian and 5 Portuguese. Six thematic categories have been identified: policy and program evaluation; promotion and education; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; violence; oral health and nutritional health. Although in different social contexts, the themes reflect traditional areas of intervention of policies and programs, with the exception of those resultingthe phenomenon of structural violence, which is present in the Brazilian reality. Also, the absence of emerging issues such as gender identities, migratory flows and morbidity and mortalityexternal causes, revealing a possible assistance void of policies and programs and a necessary field to be explored.
Adolescent, Adolescent Health, Public Policies, National Health Programs, Comprehensive Health Care.
Health policies of adolescents and young people in the Portuguese-Brazilian context: Specificities and approximations.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: characterize the scientific production on adolescent health policies and programs in Brazil and Portugal in the period 2010-2017. Method: review of the literature, based on the method of Scoping Review. Research question: how is the scientific production about health policies and programs of adolescents in Brazil and Portugal characterized? The searches were conducted in October 2017 on BVS, EBSCO and Google Scholar. Results: 22 studies were ed, of which 17 Brazilian and 5 Portuguese. Six thematic categories have been identified: policy and program evaluation; promotion and education; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; violence; oral health and nutritional health. Although in different social contexts, the themes reflect traditional areas of intervention of policies and programs, with the exception of those resultingthe phenomenon of structural violence, which is present in the Brazilian reality. Also, the absence of emerging issues such as gender identities, migratory flows and morbidity and mortalityexternal causes, revealing a possible assistance void of policies and programs and a necessary field to be explored.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Adolescent, Adolescent Health, Public Policies, National Health Programs, Comprehensive Health Care.
Schaefer R., Barbiani, R, DALLA NORA. C.R., Viegas, K., Leal, SMC, Lora, PS, Ciconet, R, Micheletti, VD. Políticas de Saúde de adolescentes e jovens no contexto luso-brasileiro: Especificidades e aproximações.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/mai). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/politicas-de-saude-de-adolescentes-e-jovens-no-contexto-lusobrasileiro-especificidades-e-aproximacoes/16779?id=16779