0306/2015 - Prevalência de atividade física e fatores associados em escolares da rede pública estadual de São Paulo The prevalence of physical activity and its associated effects among students in the São Paulo public school network
• Leonardo José Silva - Silva, Leonardo José - Instituto Israelita de Responsabilidade Social do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - <ljs.leonardo@gmail.com> +
• Sandra Marcela Matsudo - Matsudo, Sandra Marcela - Centro de Estudos do Laboratório de Aptidão Física de São Caetano do Sul, Atividade Física e Saúde - <sandrammahecha@gmail.com>
• Luis Carlos Oliveira - Oliveira, Luis Carlos - Centro de Estudos do Laboratório de Aptidão Física de São Caetano do Sul, Atividade Física e Saúde - <luis.oliveira@celafiscs.org.br>
O presente estudo avaliou nível de atividade física (AF) e seus efeitos associados entre estudantes da rede pública de São Paulo. Um estudo transversal foi feito usando uma amostra representativa de estudantes (n = 2.555) da rede pública de ensino de São Paulo. Foi utilizado o International Physical Activity Questionnaire para determinar o nível AF. Estudantes que relataram pelo menos 300 minutos/semana de AF, foram considerados ativos. As variáveis independentes foram: sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal, educação, região e o conhecimento do programa Agita São Paulo. A prevalência de AF regular foi de 71,7%. Os meninos (RP = 1,09, IC95% = 1,04 -1,15), 17 anos de idade (RP = 1,16, 95% IC 1,09-1,24), terceiro ano do ensino médio (RP = 1,20, IC95%= 1,12-1,29 ), e aqueles que residiam na região do Centro-Oeste (RP = 1,27, IC95% 1,16-1,38) tinham maior probabilidade de ser ativos. Meninos de 17 anos de idade, no terceiro ano do ensino médio, que residiam no Centro-Oeste e reconhecia o programa Agita São Paulo/Agita Galera tinham níveis mais elevados de AF. Alunos de São Paulo apresentaram um elevado nível de AF. Meninos com idade superior a 17 anos, do 3º ano do ensino médio, que residiam na região Centro-Oeste, e reconhecia o programa Agita São Paulo/Agita Galera foram mais propensos a ser mais ativos.
The current study evaluated physical activity (PA) level and its associated effects among students in the public network of São Paulo, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was taken using a representative sample of students (n=2,555) in São Paulo public school system. International Physical Activity Questionnaire determined PA level. Students who reported at least 300 minutes/week of PA were considered active. The independente variables were: gender, age, body mass index, education, region, recognition of the Agita São Paulo program. The prevalence of regular PA was 71.7%. Males (PR=1.09, 95% CIs=1.04 -1.15) at least 17 years old (PR=1.16, 95% CIs 1.09-1.24) in their 3rd year of high school (PR=1.20, 95% CIs=1.12-1.29) who resided in the Midwest region (PR=1.27, 95% CIs 1.16-1.38) were most likely to be active. Males at least 17 years old in their 3rd year of high school who lived in the Midwest and recognized the Agita São Paulo/Agita Galera program had higher levels of PA. São Paulo students presented a high level of PA. Moreover, males older than 17 years, attending their 3rd year of high school, who lived in the Midwest region, and recognized the Agita São Paulo/Agita Galera program were the most likely to be more active.
Motor activity
public health
The prevalence of physical activity and its associated effects among students in the São Paulo public school network
Resumo (abstract):
The current study evaluated physical activity (PA) level and its associated effects among students in the public network of São Paulo, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was taken using a representative sample of students (n=2,555) in São Paulo public school system. International Physical Activity Questionnaire determined PA level. Students who reported at least 300 minutes/week of PA were considered active. The independente variables were: gender, age, body mass index, education, region, recognition of the Agita São Paulo program. The prevalence of regular PA was 71.7%. Males (PR=1.09, 95% CIs=1.04 -1.15) at least 17 years old (PR=1.16, 95% CIs 1.09-1.24) in their 3rd year of high school (PR=1.20, 95% CIs=1.12-1.29) who resided in the Midwest region (PR=1.27, 95% CIs 1.16-1.38) were most likely to be active. Males at least 17 years old in their 3rd year of high school who lived in the Midwest and recognized the Agita São Paulo/Agita Galera program had higher levels of PA. São Paulo students presented a high level of PA. Moreover, males older than 17 years, attending their 3rd year of high school, who lived in the Midwest region, and recognized the Agita São Paulo/Agita Galera program were the most likely to be more active.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Motor activity
public health
Silva, Leonardo José, Matsudo, Sandra Marcela, Araújo, T.L, Oliveira, Luis Carlos, Ferrari, G.L.M, Azevedo, MR, Andrade, D.R., Matsudo, V.K.R. Prevalência de atividade física e fatores associados em escolares da rede pública estadual de São Paulo. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/prevalencia-de-atividade-fisica-e-fatores-associados-em-escolares-da-rede-publica-estadual-de-sao-paulo/15379?id=15379