1288/2012 - Prevalência de Infecção Latente pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis entre Estudantes da Área da Saúde de uma Universidade Pública em Vitória – ES Prevalence of tuberculosis infection among healthcare students in a Public University in Vitória, ES, Brazil.
Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis em acadêmicos de enfermagem e medicina da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal. Os dados foram coletados através de um instrumento de coleta de dados, composto de questões abertas e fechadas, abordando questões como características pessoais; informações a respeito da tuberculose; utilização de medidas preventivas, etc. Realizou-se a aplicação do teste tuberculínico, com leitura após 72h da aplicação por enfermeiros treinados, considerando como ponte de corte positivo 10 mm de enduração. Resultados: participaram do estudo 225 sujeitos voluntários, correspondendo a 98 estudantes da Medicina e 127 da Enfermagem. A positividade ao teste tuberculínico fora encontrada em 54 estudantes de ambos os cursos, resultando uma prevalência de 24%. Entre os Estudantes de Enfermagem o resultado do TST positivo foi obtido em 24% (31) e nos Estudantes de Medicina em 23% (23), sendo esta diferença não significativa estatisticamente. Conclusões: Faz-se necessário um programa de realização de teste tuberculínico, de rotina, para confirmação de viragem tuberculínica, combinado com intervenções para reduzir o risco de transmissão nosocomial no local da prática, bem como a realização de outros estudos para avaliar a eficácia de novos testes para detecção de TB latente.
EstudantesEstudantes de EnfermagemEstudantes de MedicinaTuberculoseTeste tuberculínico
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in nursing students and medical students of Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Data were collected through a data collection instrument regarding: personal characteristics, information about tuberculosis, use of preventive measures, etc. Then, there was application of the tuberculin skin test, with readings after 72 hours of application by trained nurses, the positive cutoff point for the TST was 10 mm of induration in the 72-hour reading. Results: For this purpose, actively participated in the study 225 volunteer subjects, corresponding to 98, 127 students of Medicine and Nursing. A positive tuberculin skin test was found in 54 students of both courses, resulting in a prevalence of 24%. Among Students of Nursing the result of a positive TST was obtained in 24% (31) and Medical Students in 23% (23), this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: It is necessary to carry out a program of tuberculin testing, routine tuberculin for confirmation, combined with interventions to reduce the risk of nosocomial transmission in the workplace is, as well as further studies to evaluate the effectiveness of new tests to detect latent tuberculosis infection.
StudentsNursing StudentsMedical StudentsTuberculosisTuberculin Test
Prevalence of tuberculosis infection among healthcare students in a Public University in Vitória, ES, Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in nursing students and medical students of Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Data were collected through a data collection instrument regarding: personal characteristics, information about tuberculosis, use of preventive measures, etc. Then, there was application of the tuberculin skin test, with readings after 72 hours of application by trained nurses, the positive cutoff point for the TST was 10 mm of induration in the 72-hour reading. Results: For this purpose, actively participated in the study 225 volunteer subjects, corresponding to 98, 127 students of Medicine and Nursing. A positive tuberculin skin test was found in 54 students of both courses, resulting in a prevalence of 24%. Among Students of Nursing the result of a positive TST was obtained in 24% (31) and Medical Students in 23% (23), this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: It is necessary to carry out a program of tuberculin testing, routine tuberculin for confirmation, combined with interventions to reduce the risk of nosocomial transmission in the workplace is, as well as further studies to evaluate the effectiveness of new tests to detect latent tuberculosis infection.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
StudentsNursing StudentsMedical StudentsTuberculosisTuberculin Test
Rogerio, W.P., Baraona, C. M. O., Prado, T.N., Lacerda, T.C., Fregona, G., Maciel, E. L. N.. Prevalência de Infecção Latente pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis entre Estudantes da Área da Saúde de uma Universidade Pública em Vitória – ES. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/dez). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/prevalencia-de-infeccao-latente-pelo-mycobacterium-tuberculosis-entre-estudantes-da-area-da-saude-de-uma-universidade-publica-em-vitoria-es/12035?id=12035