0053/2020 - Programa Previne Brasil: O ápice das ameaças à Atenção Primária à Saúde? Previne Brasil Program: The apex of threats to Primary Health Care?
Desde 2017, o sistema de saúde brasileiro enfrentauma onda de contrarreformas em políticas que ampliaram cobertura e acesso e pretenderammudar o modelo assistencial. A Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS)tem sido atingida por atos oficiais, sinérgicos e complementares, que a alteram substancialmente. A criação de serviço social autônomo federal para provisão de médicos; a consulta pública para instituir cesta de serviços; a flexibilização da carga horária semanal de médicos e enfermeiros, que poderão integrar mais de uma equipe; a não fixação de quantitativo mínimo de agentes comunitários de saúde por equipe; formam o contexto em que o Programa Previne Brasil foi lançado para vigorar em 2020. O argumento do governo é de aumento de flexibilidade e autonomia local para organizar serviços, maior eficiência e valorização do desempenho. Críticas de sanitaristas, de alguns conselhos estaduais de gestores municipais e do Conselho Nacional de Saúde apontam o caráter privatizante, mercadológico, seletivo e focalizado da proposta que caminha na direção da cobertura universal em saúde. Este artigo analisa o Programa Previne Brasilque, entre outras coisas, altera o financiamento e sugere aumento de recursos para APS numa conjuntura de congelamento do gasto social. Identificam-se contradições e alternativas para minimizar potenciais prejuízos às políticas vigentes.
financiamento da assistência à saúde, recursos financeiros em saúde, atenção primária à saúde.
Since 2017 the Brazilian health system is facing a wave of counter-reforms in policies that have expanded coverage and access and intended to change the care model. Primary Health Care (PHC) has been substantially modified by synergistic and complementary federal official acts. The creation of federal autonomous social service for the provision of doctors; public consultation to institute basket of consumption in healtcare; the flexibility of the weekly workload of doctors and nurses, who may integrate more than one team; the non-setting of a minimum number of community health workers per team form the context in which the Previne Brasil Program was launched to be in force by 2020. The government\'s argument is to increase: flexibility and local autonomy to organize services, greater efficiency and valorization. of performance. Criticismsanitarians, some state councils of municipal authorities and the National Health Council points to the privatizing, marketing, ive and focused character of the proposal that is moving towards universal health coverage. This paper analyzes the Previne Brazil Program which, among other things, alters funding and suggests increasing resources for PHC in a context of freezing social spending. Contradictions and alternatives are identified to minimize potential damage to existing policies.
healthcare financing, financial resources in health, primary health care.
Previne Brasil Program: The apex of threats to Primary Health Care?
Resumo (abstract):
Since 2017 the Brazilian health system is facing a wave of counter-reforms in policies that have expanded coverage and access and intended to change the care model. Primary Health Care (PHC) has been substantially modified by synergistic and complementary federal official acts. The creation of federal autonomous social service for the provision of doctors; public consultation to institute basket of consumption in healtcare; the flexibility of the weekly workload of doctors and nurses, who may integrate more than one team; the non-setting of a minimum number of community health workers per team form the context in which the Previne Brasil Program was launched to be in force by 2020. The government\'s argument is to increase: flexibility and local autonomy to organize services, greater efficiency and valorization. of performance. Criticismsanitarians, some state councils of municipal authorities and the National Health Council points to the privatizing, marketing, ive and focused character of the proposal that is moving towards universal health coverage. This paper analyzes the Previne Brazil Program which, among other things, alters funding and suggests increasing resources for PHC in a context of freezing social spending. Contradictions and alternatives are identified to minimize potential damage to existing policies.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
healthcare financing, financial resources in health, primary health care.
De Seta, M.H., Ocké-Reis, C.O., Ramos, A.L.P. Programa Previne Brasil: O ápice das ameaças à Atenção Primária à Saúde?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mar). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/programa-previne-brasil-o-apice-das-ameacas-a-atencao-primaria-a-saude/17535?id=17535