0272/2019 - Qualidade de Vida Familiar: Uma revisão integrativa sobre família de pessoas com deficiências. Family Quality of Life: An integrative review on the family of people with disabilities.
O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi conhecer a produção científica brasileira sobre a temática da qualidade de vida familiar (QdVF) de pessoas com deficiências, assim como a população participante, o referencial teórico e os instrumentos utilizados nos estudos. Foi realizado um levantamento nas bases de dados BVS, Scielo, PubMed, e no portal de Periódicos da Capes, cujos critérios de inclusão foram artigos publicados no período de 2007 a 2018, disponíveis na íntegra e on-line, publicado em português ou inglês e que retratassem a temática da QdVF de pessoas com deficiência e artigos oriundos de estudos realizados em contextos brasileiros. Os resultados apontaram que apenas 3 dos 19 artigos selecionados exploraram diretamente o tema da QdVF incluindo aspectos relacionados ao construto; também apontaram que o WHOQOL-Bref foi o instrumento mais utilizado para avaliar a qualidade de vida (n=11), seguido por entrevistas semiestruturadas (n=5) e que apenas 10,5%, ou seja, dois artigos utilizaram a definição apropriada de QdVF. Constatou-se com o estudo uma incipiência da temática na produção científica nacional, o uso expressivo de construtos individuais de qualidade de vida e escassa presença de instrumentos de medidas específicos para mensurar QdVF.
Qualidade de Vida, Família, Pessoas com Deficiência.
The objective of this integrative revision is to know the Brazilian scientific production about the thematic of the family quality of life (FQoL) of people with disabilities, as well as the participating population, the theoretical referential and the instruments used in the studies. The data survey was done in the BVS, Scielo, PubMed data bases and in the Capes’ Periodic portal, whose inclusion criteria were articles published2007 to 2018, available fully and on line, in Portuguese or English, which portrayed the thematic of life quality of families of people with disabilities and articlesresearches done in Brazilian contexts. The results showed that only 3the 19 ed articles to the study analyzed directly the theme of FQoL including the aspects related to the construct. They also pointed out that WHOQOL-Bref was the most used instrument to evaluate the FQoL (n=11), followed by semi-structured interviews (n=5) and that only 10,5%, in other words, two articles used the appropriated definition of the FQoL. The research determined that the thematic is still in its beginnings in the scientific national production, the large use of individual constructs of life quality and the sparse presence of specific measures instruments to measure FQoL.
Quality of Life, Family, People with Disabilities.
Family Quality of Life: An integrative review on the family of people with disabilities.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this integrative revision is to know the Brazilian scientific production about the thematic of the family quality of life (FQoL) of people with disabilities, as well as the participating population, the theoretical referential and the instruments used in the studies. The data survey was done in the BVS, Scielo, PubMed data bases and in the Capes’ Periodic portal, whose inclusion criteria were articles published2007 to 2018, available fully and on line, in Portuguese or English, which portrayed the thematic of life quality of families of people with disabilities and articlesresearches done in Brazilian contexts. The results showed that only 3the 19 ed articles to the study analyzed directly the theme of FQoL including the aspects related to the construct. They also pointed out that WHOQOL-Bref was the most used instrument to evaluate the FQoL (n=11), followed by semi-structured interviews (n=5) and that only 10,5%, in other words, two articles used the appropriated definition of the FQoL. The research determined that the thematic is still in its beginnings in the scientific national production, the large use of individual constructs of life quality and the sparse presence of specific measures instruments to measure FQoL.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Quality of Life, Family, People with Disabilities.
Nunes, A.C, Luiz, E.A.M, Barba, P.C.S.D. Qualidade de Vida Familiar: Uma revisão integrativa sobre família de pessoas com deficiências.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/qualidade-de-vida-familiar-uma-revisao-integrativa-sobre-familia-de-pessoas-com-deficiencias/17346?id=17346