0369/2023 - Quando a deficiência e a homoparentalidade se encontram: a adoção de crianças com deficiência por casais homoafetivos When disability and homoparenting meet: the adoption of children with disability by homoaffective couples
O ensaio teórico parte de seis reportagens sobre casais homoafetivos e pessoas gays e lésbicas para interseccionar homoparentalidade e adoção de crianças com deficiência, pelas lentes das ciências humanas e sociais em saúde coletiva. As reportagens foram interpretadas à luz dos estudos sobre adoção homoparental e adoção de crianças com deficiência. Abordagens feministas sobre cuidado e deficiência também compuseram o olhar interpretativo, operando como teias expressivas das gramáticas do capacitismo. Verificou-se que as abordagens midiáticas endossam o direito à constituição familiar e à adoção de crianças com deficiência por famílias homoparentais, sem aprofundar criticamente a categoria deficiência e sem destacar apoio à adoção de todos os perfis de adotandos. E que as intersecções entre homofobia e capacitismo incrementam lógicas discriminatórias e de opressão, sendo a união de grupos considerados \"indesejáveis\" uma estratégia de governamentalidade que revela a complexidade das gramáticas do capacitismo aplicadas aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de adotantes LGBTQIA+ e aos direitos fundamentais de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência disponíveis para adoção.
Abstract: The theoretical essay is based on six reports regarding to same-sex couples and gay and lesbian people to intersect homoparenting and adoption of children with disabilities, through the lenses of human and social sciences in public health. The reports were interpreted in light of studies on same-sex adoption and adoption of children with disabilities. Feminist approaches related to care and disability also comprised the interpretative perspective, operating as expressive webs of Grammars of ableism. It was verified that media approaches endorse the right to family formation and the adoption of children with disabilities by homoparental families, however, short of further critical depth on the category of disability and without highlighting support for the adoption of all adoptee profiles. Besides, the intersections between homophobia and ableism increase discriminatory and oppressive logics, the union of social groups considered as \"undesirable\" being a governmentality strategy that reveals the complexity of Grammars of ableism, applied to the sexual and reproductive rights of LGBTQIA+ adopters and to the fundamental rights of children and adolescents with disabilities available for adoption.
When disability and homoparenting meet: the adoption of children with disability by homoaffective couples
Resumo (abstract):
Abstract: The theoretical essay is based on six reports regarding to same-sex couples and gay and lesbian people to intersect homoparenting and adoption of children with disabilities, through the lenses of human and social sciences in public health. The reports were interpreted in light of studies on same-sex adoption and adoption of children with disabilities. Feminist approaches related to care and disability also comprised the interpretative perspective, operating as expressive webs of Grammars of ableism. It was verified that media approaches endorse the right to family formation and the adoption of children with disabilities by homoparental families, however, short of further critical depth on the category of disability and without highlighting support for the adoption of all adoptee profiles. Besides, the intersections between homophobia and ableism increase discriminatory and oppressive logics, the union of social groups considered as \"undesirable\" being a governmentality strategy that reveals the complexity of Grammars of ableism, applied to the sexual and reproductive rights of LGBTQIA+ adopters and to the fundamental rights of children and adolescents with disabilities available for adoption.
Dias, F. S., Moreira, M. C. N., Santos, R. de P.. Quando a deficiência e a homoparentalidade se encontram: a adoção de crianças com deficiência por casais homoafetivos. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/quando-a-deficiencia-e-a-homoparentalidade-se-encontram-a-adocao-de-criancas-com-deficiencia-por-casais-homoafetivos/18995?id=18995