• Tarcisio Matos de Andrade - Andrade, T.M. - Salvador - Bahia, BA - Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia da Universidade Federal da Bahia - <tarcisio@ufba.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde Mental
Este artigo trás algumas reflexões sobre as políticas de drogas no Brasil, desde os momentos iniciais do enfrentamento do HIV/AIDS entre os usuários de drogas injetáveis. Nos dois primeiros capítulos, tendo como ponto de partida os programas de trocas de seringas (PTS), o autor aborda o percurso da Política de Redução de Danos no Brasil e o papel nela desempenhado pelo Departamento de DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais. O terceiro capitulo traz as ações desenvolvidas pela Coordenação Nacional de Saúde Mental Álcool e outras Drogas e pela Secretaria de Políticas sobre Drogas - SENAD, a partir da retração do Departamento de DST e AIDS nas políticas sobre drogas, bem como o surgimento do PEAD e do “Plano Crack”, enquanto planos emergenciais para fazer face ao aumento do consumo de crack no país. No quarto e quinto capítulos são discutidos os dispositivos da atual política brasileira sobre drogas, suas limitações vinculadas, sobretudo, à fragilidade da Estratégia Saúde da Família e são analisadas criticamente algumas das ações previstas no PEAD e no “Pano Crack”. No sexto capítulo o autor trás os efeitos da repressão em nome do combate ao tráfico na política brasileira sobre drogas, tendo como pano de fundo a marginalização e a exclusão social dos usuários. Por fim, são apresentadas algumas proposições para a Política de Álcool e Drogas no Brasil.
Saúde Publica
Políticas de Drogas
Redução de Danos
This article brings you some reflections on drug policy in Brazil since the early moments of the fight against HIV / AIDS among injecting drug users. In the first two chapters, taking as its starting point the needle exchange programs (SEPs), the author discusses the path of the Harm Reduction Policy in Brazil and the role it played by the Department of STD, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis / Ministry of Health . The third chapter brings the actions developed by the National Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs and the Office of Drug Policy - SENAD, from the retraction of the Department of STD and AIDS in drug policy, as well as the emergence of PEAD and "Plan Crack", while contingency plans to cope with the increased consumption of crack in the country. In the fourth and fifth chapters are discussed the provisions of the current Brazilian policy on drugs, its limitations related mainly to the weakness of the Family Health Strategy and are critically analyzed some of the actions foreseen in the PEAD and the "Plan Crack." In the sixth chapter the author brings the effects of repression in the name of combating trafficking in Brazilian policy on drugs from backdrop of marginalization and social exclusion of users. Finally, some propositions are presented to the Policy on Alcohol and Drugs in Brazil.
This article brings you some reflections on drug policy in Brazil since the early moments of the fight against HIV / AIDS among injecting drug users. In the first two chapters, taking as its starting point the needle exchange programs (SEPs), the author discusses the path of the Harm Reduction Policy in Brazil and the role it played by the Department of STD, AIDS and Viral Hepatitis / Ministry of Health . The third chapter brings the actions developed by the National Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs and the Office of Drug Policy - SENAD, from the retraction of the Department of STD and AIDS in drug policy, as well as the emergence of PEAD and "Plan Crack", while contingency plans to cope with the increased consumption of crack in the country. In the fourth and fifth chapters are discussed the provisions of the current Brazilian policy on drugs, its limitations related mainly to the weakness of the Family Health Strategy and are critically analyzed some of the actions foreseen in the PEAD and the "Plan Crack." In the sixth chapter the author brings the effects of repression in the name of combating trafficking in Brazilian policy on drugs from backdrop of marginalization and social exclusion of users. Finally, some propositions are presented to the Policy on Alcohol and Drugs in Brazil.
Andrade, T.M.. Reflexões sobre Políticas de Drogas no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/out). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/reflexoes-sobre-politicas-de-drogas-no-brasil/8789?id=8789