0393/2019 - Regionalização da Saúde no Brasil na perspectiva dos gestores municipais: Avanços e Desafios. Regional Health Planning in Brazilthe perspective of health managers: Advances and Challenges.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar, à luz da percepção dos gestores, a conformação do processo de regionalização em saúde no Brasil, com ênfase nos principais avanços e desafios. Estudo misto do tipo exploratório e descritivo. Na primeira etapa do estudo foi aplicado um questionário eletrônico aos gestores de todas as regiões de saúde do país. Na segunda etapa foram realizados grupos focais com os gestores de todas as macrorregiões. Utilizou-se um roteiro semiestruturado para estimular os gestores a falarem livremente sobre o processo de regionalização, seus avanços e principais desafios. Os dados foram analisados no software Iramuteq, mais especificamente Classificação Hierárquica Descendente (CHD), que resultou em três eixos temáticos: o primeiro trata dos esforços realizados para a organização regional no nível mais macro da gestão, com destaque para redução das desigualdades, e o provimento das ações e serviços aos usuários; o segundo mostra a organização regional e as dificuldades para a organização do sistema local; o terceiro evidencia as dificuldades de acesso aos serviços de saúde, sobretudo os de maior complexidade tecnológica. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para avanços e desafios, envolvendo um risco para a estruturação do processo de regionalização, com nuances burocráticas e fragmentadas.
saúde coletiva; regionalização; gestores de saúde
This study aimed to analyze, in the light of the perception of managers, the conformation of the process of regionalization in health in Brazil, with emphasis on the main advances and challenges. A mixed exploratory and descriptive study was carried out. In the first stage, an electronic questionnaire was conducted with managersall health regions of the country. In the second stage, we held focus groups with managers based inall macro regions. A semi-structured interview was used to encourage managers to speak about the process of regionalization, its advances and main challenges. We analyzed the data in the Iramuteq software, more specifically the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), resulting in three thematic axes: the first deals with the efforts made for the regional organization at the macro level of management, with emphasis on reducing inequalities, actions and services to users; the second, demonstrates the regional organization, and the difficulties for the organization of the local system; the third, reveals difficulties in accessing health services, especially those with greater technological complexity. The research results point to advances and challenges, involving a risk for the structuring of the regionalization process, with bureaucratic and fragmented nuances.
public health; regional health planning; health managers
Regional Health Planning in Brazilthe perspective of health managers: Advances and Challenges.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to analyze, in the light of the perception of managers, the conformation of the process of regionalization in health in Brazil, with emphasis on the main advances and challenges. A mixed exploratory and descriptive study was carried out. In the first stage, an electronic questionnaire was conducted with managersall health regions of the country. In the second stage, we held focus groups with managers based inall macro regions. A semi-structured interview was used to encourage managers to speak about the process of regionalization, its advances and main challenges. We analyzed the data in the Iramuteq software, more specifically the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), resulting in three thematic axes: the first deals with the efforts made for the regional organization at the macro level of management, with emphasis on reducing inequalities, actions and services to users; the second, demonstrates the regional organization, and the difficulties for the organization of the local system; the third, reveals difficulties in accessing health services, especially those with greater technological complexity. The research results point to advances and challenges, involving a risk for the structuring of the regionalization process, with bureaucratic and fragmented nuances.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
public health; regional health planning; health managers
Shimizu, H.E., Carvalho, A.L.B., Júnior, N.B, Capucci, R.R. Regionalização da Saúde no Brasil na perspectiva dos gestores municipais: Avanços e Desafios.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/dez). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/regionalizacao-da-saude-no-brasil-na-perspectiva-dos-gestores-municipais-avancos-e-desafios/17467?id=17467