0333/2022 - Resolutividade no Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena (SASI-SUS): análise em um serviço de referência no Amazonas, Brasil Problem-solving in the Indigenous Health Care Subsystem (SASI-SUS): analysis in a reference service in Amazonas, Brazil
A resolutividade é um dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no Brasil, com sua capacidade de resolver os problemas da população nos diferentes níveis de complexidade da saúde. O Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena (SASI-SUS) integra este sistema, respeitando as especificidades das populações indígenas. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a percepção dos profissionais e gestores de uma Casa de Saúde Indígena (CASAI) a respeito da resolutividade no subsistema quanto às circunstâncias da pandemia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo, à luz da Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde dos Povos Indígenas (PNASPI) e da teoria hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur. Foram realizadas entrevistas entre os participantes a fim de registrar as experiências no processo de trabalho dos atores que cuidam dos indígenas referenciados à Manaus, Amazonas. Foram identificadas, pelas entrevistas, quatro temáticas essenciais: cuidado cultural; educação permanente em saúde & educação em saúde; negociação & improviso e; acolhimento & infraestrutura. A CASAI é uma instituição que vai além de um centro de apoio ou alojamento, sendo ponto de articulação entre os diferentes níveis de atenção aos indígenas e local de produção de cuidados e de saberes, tal como da construção de suas relações, resultando em um espaço resolutivo e coerente com a política de saúde dos povos indígenas.
Sistema de Saúde Indígena; Serviços de Saúde; Resolução de Problemas.
Problem-solving is one of the principles of the National Health Service (SUS) in Brazil, with its capability of solving problems of the population in different complexity of health. The Indigenous Health Care Subsystem (SASI-SUS) is part of this service, respecting the specificities of indigenous populations. The aim of this article is to analyze the perception of professionals and managers of the Indigenous Health House (CASAI) about the resolvability in the subsystem in the circumstances of the pandemic. This is a qualitative and descriptive research under the National Health Care Policy for Indigenous Peoples (PNASPI) and Paul Ricoeur\'s hermeneutic theory. Interviews were carried out among the participants in order to record the experiences in the work process of the actors who take care of the indigenous people housed at CASAI. Four essential themes were identified in the interviews: cultural care; permanent education in health & health education; negotiation & improvisation and; reception & infrastructure. CASAI is an institution that goes beyond a support center or accommodation, but it is rather an articulation point between the different levels of care-taking and knowledge production of the indigenous people, as well as a place for building their relationship, resulting in a problem-solving space coherent with the health policy for indigenous peoples.
Indigenous Health System; Health services; Problem-solving.
Problem-solving in the Indigenous Health Care Subsystem (SASI-SUS): analysis in a reference service in Amazonas, Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
Problem-solving is one of the principles of the National Health Service (SUS) in Brazil, with its capability of solving problems of the population in different complexity of health. The Indigenous Health Care Subsystem (SASI-SUS) is part of this service, respecting the specificities of indigenous populations. The aim of this article is to analyze the perception of professionals and managers of the Indigenous Health House (CASAI) about the resolvability in the subsystem in the circumstances of the pandemic. This is a qualitative and descriptive research under the National Health Care Policy for Indigenous Peoples (PNASPI) and Paul Ricoeur\'s hermeneutic theory. Interviews were carried out among the participants in order to record the experiences in the work process of the actors who take care of the indigenous people housed at CASAI. Four essential themes were identified in the interviews: cultural care; permanent education in health & health education; negotiation & improvisation and; reception & infrastructure. CASAI is an institution that goes beyond a support center or accommodation, but it is rather an articulation point between the different levels of care-taking and knowledge production of the indigenous people, as well as a place for building their relationship, resulting in a problem-solving space coherent with the health policy for indigenous peoples.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Indigenous Health System; Health services; Problem-solving.
Ahmadpour, B., Turrini, R.N.T., Plazas, P.C.. Resolutividade no Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena (SASI-SUS): análise em um serviço de referência no Amazonas, Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/nov). [Citado em 15/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/resolutividade-no-subsistema-de-atencao-a-saude-indigena-sasisus-analise-em-um-servico-de-referencia-no-amazonas-brasil/18589?id=18589