Parte desse texto desaguou numa palestra apresentada na abertura da 20ª Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz em outubro de 2023. Trata-se da reflexão de uma historiadora indígena sobre sua trajetória profissional considerando o racismo vigente na comunidade científica assim como os caminhos que os rios de conhecimentos indígenas têm percorrido na busca pela demarcação da escrita enquanto um campo pela garantia dos direitos garantidos na Constituição Federal de 1988 constituindo um espaço de resistência pela continuidade das existências plurais dos povos indígenas do Brasil.
Sau?de Indi?gena, Racismo na Cie?ncia, Conhecimentos indi?genas
Part of this text resulted in a lecture presented at the opening of the 20th National Science and Technology Week of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in October 2023. It is the reflection of an indigenous historian on her professional trajectory, considering the racism in force in the scientific community as well as the paths that the rivers of indigenous knowledge have traveled in the search for the demarcation of writing as a field for guaranteeing the rights guaranteed in the 1988 Federal Constitution, constituting a space of resistance for the continuity of the plural existences of the indigenous peoples of Brazil.
Indigenous Health, Racism in Science, Indigenous Knowledge
Rivers of knowledge: demarcating science with indigenous voices
Resumo (abstract):
Part of this text resulted in a lecture presented at the opening of the 20th National Science and Technology Week of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in October 2023. It is the reflection of an indigenous historian on her professional trajectory, considering the racism in force in the scientific community as well as the paths that the rivers of indigenous knowledge have traveled in the search for the demarcation of writing as a field for guaranteeing the rights guaranteed in the 1988 Federal Constitution, constituting a space of resistance for the continuity of the plural existences of the indigenous peoples of Brazil.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Indigenous Health, Racism in Science, Indigenous Knowledge
de Almeida, D. H.. Rios de conhecimentos: demarcando a ciência com as vozes indígenas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/abr). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
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