0348/2017 - Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in HIV/AIDS patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the central-southern region of the state of Paraná – Brazil. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in HIV/AIDS patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the central-southern region of the state of Paraná – Brazil.
O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os fatores de risco cardiovascular em pacientes HIV/AIDS de acordo com o esquema terapêutico utilizado. Estudo de Coorte retrospectiva no período de 2012 a 2014. Foram levantadas variáveis clínicas e esquema de tratamento de 538 indivíduos. Utilizaram-se medidas de tendência central, e regressão marginal logística para verificar a influência do esquema de tratamento sobre variáveis clinicas ao longo do tempo. 56,2% dos pacientes eram homens, 82,2% brancos, 33,8% tinham entre 4 a 7 anos de estudo, 49,2% eram casados, 98,5% tiveram transmissão sexual e 89,0% eram heterossexuais. A idade média no diagnóstico foi de 36,3 anos. Durante o período de estudo, 24,4% hipertensão arterial, 18,2% colesterol alterado, 39,7% HDL baixo, 51,3% triglicerídeos elevados e 33,3% hiperglicemia. Os esquemas de tratamento com Inibidores da transcriptase reversa nucleotídeos associados a inibidores da protease, e a associação de diferentes classes de antirretrovirais estiveram associados a maiores alterações lipídicas e maiores alterações metabólicas com maior tempo de tratamento. Conclui-se que medidas preventivas, bem como tratamento precoce pode contribuir para minimizar os riscos de desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares.
Síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida; terapia antirretroviral potente, fator de risco cardiovascular
The aim of this study was to describe metabolic changes in HIV/AIDS patients according to the treatment regimen. It was a retrospective cohort conducted2012 to 2014. Researchers surveyed clinical variables and treatment regimen of 538 individuals. They used measures of central tendency and marginal logistic regression to determine the influence of the treatment regimen on clinical variables over time; survival was estimated using Kaplan-Meier curves. 56.2% of patients were male, 82.2% white, 33.8% had 4 to 7 years of study, 49.2% were married, 98.5% had sexual transmission, and 89.0% were heterosexuals. During the study period, 24.4% had hypertension, 18.2% changed cholesterol, 39.7% low HDL, 51.3% high triglycerides and 33.3% hyperglycemia. Treatment regimens with nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors associated with protease inhibitors, and the association of different classes of antiretrovirals have been associated with greater lipid changes. Higher metabolic changes were observed in patients with longer treatment time. It is concluded that preventive measures, as well as early treatment, can contribute to minimize the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in HIV/AIDS patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the central-southern region of the state of Paraná – Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to describe metabolic changes in HIV/AIDS patients according to the treatment regimen. It was a retrospective cohort conducted2012 to 2014. Researchers surveyed clinical variables and treatment regimen of 538 individuals. They used measures of central tendency and marginal logistic regression to determine the influence of the treatment regimen on clinical variables over time; survival was estimated using Kaplan-Meier curves. 56.2% of patients were male, 82.2% white, 33.8% had 4 to 7 years of study, 49.2% were married, 98.5% had sexual transmission, and 89.0% were heterosexuals. During the study period, 24.4% had hypertension, 18.2% changed cholesterol, 39.7% low HDL, 51.3% high triglycerides and 33.3% hyperglycemia. Treatment regimens with nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors associated with protease inhibitors, and the association of different classes of antiretrovirals have been associated with greater lipid changes. Higher metabolic changes were observed in patients with longer treatment time. It is concluded that preventive measures, as well as early treatment, can contribute to minimize the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Muller, E. V., Gimeno S. G. A.. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in HIV/AIDS patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the central-southern region of the state of Paraná – Brazil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/set). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/risk-factors-for-cardiovascular-disease-in-hivaids-patients-treated-with-highly-active-antiretroviral-therapy-haart-in-the-centralsouthern-region-of-the-state-of-parana-brazil/16400?id=16400