0250/2017 - Saberes sociais e a construção da preferência pela água de consumo humano. Social knowledge and the construction of drinking water preference.
A territorialização em vigilância em saúde e o cotidiano como categorias analíticas nortearam o delineamento do presente estudo que procurou, a partir do referencial metodológico da pesquisa qualitativa compreender fatores imbricados na utilização de soluções de abastecimento individual como fonte de água para consumo humano. Realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com moradores de 22 domicílios, de um município da Zona da Mata Mineira. Os depoimentos foram integralmente transcritos, tratados pela análise de conteúdo e interpretados com base na teoria psicossocial das representações sociais. Foi possível apreender os componentes social e afetivo das representações sociais. O componente social, revelado pela representação da água proveniente de SAI como limpa e de boa qualidade, pareceu conduzir ou justificar a “resistência” dos indivíduos em usar a água do abastecimento público. O componente afetivo esteve relacionado ao uso da água proveniente de SAI como retorno e defesa das origens, como forma de reforçar a identidade dos sujeitos. Os resultados sinalizaram que percepções e demandas da população podem nortear ações que visem estimular a confiança na água proveniente do sistema público e a opção por essa fonte de abastecimento contribuindo com a proteção da saúde.
entrevista; percepção social; água subterrânea.
The terrotorialization in health surveillance and everyday life as analytical categories guided the design of the present study that aimed,methodological framework of qualitative research, to understand factors involved in the use of individual water-supply sources as drinking water. We conducted semi-structured interviews with residents of 22 households set at a municipality in the Zona da Mata Mineira, who used waterindividual water-supply sources (IWSS). Reports were fully transcribed and processed by content analysis and were interpreted based on the psychosocial theory of social representations. It was possible to apprehend the social and affective components of social representations. The social component characterized by the representation of waterIWSS as clean and good seemed to drive or justify the \"resistance\" of individuals to use waterpublic supply. The affective component referred to the use of waterIWSS as a return to and protection of individuals’ origins, as a way to strengthen the identity of the respondents. The results point that perceptions and demands of the population might guide actions aimed to stimulate confidence in the waterthe public system and the choice of this source of supply contributing to health protection.
Social knowledge and the construction of drinking water preference.
Resumo (abstract):
The terrotorialization in health surveillance and everyday life as analytical categories guided the design of the present study that aimed,methodological framework of qualitative research, to understand factors involved in the use of individual water-supply sources as drinking water. We conducted semi-structured interviews with residents of 22 households set at a municipality in the Zona da Mata Mineira, who used waterindividual water-supply sources (IWSS). Reports were fully transcribed and processed by content analysis and were interpreted based on the psychosocial theory of social representations. It was possible to apprehend the social and affective components of social representations. The social component characterized by the representation of waterIWSS as clean and good seemed to drive or justify the \"resistance\" of individuals to use waterpublic supply. The affective component referred to the use of waterIWSS as a return to and protection of individuals’ origins, as a way to strengthen the identity of the respondents. The results point that perceptions and demands of the population might guide actions aimed to stimulate confidence in the waterthe public system and the choice of this source of supply contributing to health protection.
Soares, A.C.C., Carmo, R.F., Bevilacqua, P.D.. Saberes sociais e a construção da preferência pela água de consumo humano.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/jul). [Citado em 15/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/saberes-sociais-e-a-construcao-da-preferencia-pela-agua-de-consumo-humano/16302?id=16302