0390/2017 - Sairé Mais Saudável: política intersetorial como marco de mudança para equidade local. Healthier Sairé: intersectoral policy as a turning point for local equity.
Estudos na área da saúde pública consideram a intersetorialidade uma estratégia de promoção de equidade no enfrentamento dos determinantes sociais da saúde. O município de Sairé, membro da Rede Pernambucana de Municípios Saudáveis (RPMS), se destaca pela adoção de uma política intersetorial denominada Sairé Mais Saudável. Este estudo visou conhecer como essa política impulsionou a equidade local. Foi realizado um estudo de caso que utilizou linha do tempo com registro de eventos críticos, análise documental, entrevistas e observação participante. Como referência teórica, utilizou-se a Teoria Ator-Rede, o que permitiu que fosse evidenciada a importância da adoção da política municipal para o empoderamento e equidade local. Os resultados, alicerçados na linha do tempo, demonstraram que foi necessário haver inicialmente uma tradução cognitiva, realizada mediante a influência e responsabilidade direta da RPMS, a qual facilitou uma segunda tradução, desta vez estratégica, com a construção da política ancorada no programa municipal e que agora está sendo traduzida logisticamente em ações concretas direcionadas à equidade. O papel de uma liderança estratégica, valorização da formação e do que já estava construído foram categorias fundamentais nesse processo de mudança local.
Promoção da Saúde. Cidades Saudáveis. Ação Intersetorial. Equidade. Políticas Públicas.
Studies in the field of public health consider intersectoriality as a strategy to promote equity in addressing social determinants of health. The municipality of Sairé, a member of the Healthy Pernambuco Municipalities Network (RPMS), is outstanding due to its adoption of an intersectorial policy called For a Healthier Sairé. The aim of the present study is to understand how this policy has promoted local equity. A case study was conducted using a timeline to record critical events, documental analysis, interviews and participant observation. Actor-network theory was used as a theoretical reference, which thereby established how adopting the municipal policy had been central in promoting local empowerment and equity. The results, based on the timeline, demonstrate that initially it was necessary to obtain a cognitive translation, conducted through the direct influence and responsibility of the RPMS, which facilitated a second strategic translation, with the construction of a policy anchored to the municipal program, and which is currently being translated logistically into concrete actions directed towards equity. The role of strategic leadership, valorizing training and that which had previously been built were key categories in this process for promoting local equity.
Health Promotion, Healthy Cities, Intersectoral Action, Equity, Public Policies
Healthier Sairé: intersectoral policy as a turning point for local equity.
Resumo (abstract):
Studies in the field of public health consider intersectoriality as a strategy to promote equity in addressing social determinants of health. The municipality of Sairé, a member of the Healthy Pernambuco Municipalities Network (RPMS), is outstanding due to its adoption of an intersectorial policy called For a Healthier Sairé. The aim of the present study is to understand how this policy has promoted local equity. A case study was conducted using a timeline to record critical events, documental analysis, interviews and participant observation. Actor-network theory was used as a theoretical reference, which thereby established how adopting the municipal policy had been central in promoting local empowerment and equity. The results, based on the timeline, demonstrate that initially it was necessary to obtain a cognitive translation, conducted through the direct influence and responsibility of the RPMS, which facilitated a second strategic translation, with the construction of a policy anchored to the municipal program, and which is currently being translated logistically into concrete actions directed towards equity. The role of strategic leadership, valorizing training and that which had previously been built were key categories in this process for promoting local equity.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Promotion, Healthy Cities, Intersectoral Action, Equity, Public Policies
Freire, Maria do Socorro Machado, Franco de Sá, Ronice Maria Pereira, Gurgel, I.G.D. Sairé Mais Saudável: política intersetorial como marco de mudança para equidade local.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/saire-mais-saudavel-politica-intersetorial-como-marco-de-mudanca-para-equidade-local/16442?id=16442&id=16442