0294/2016 - Suicide attempts: Epidemiologic trends towards geo-processing. Tentativas de suicídio: Tendências epidemiológicas quanto ao geoprocessamento.
Com fins de estudar os dados sobre tentativas de suicídio e mapear as áreas de incidência foi desenvolvido um estudo do tipo ecológico e exploratório, usando técnicas de geoprocessamento, com base em casos confirmados de tentativa de suicídio. Foram incluídos os casos de auto-evenenamento, ocorridos na zona urbana do município de Campina Grande, para o período 2010-2013. Um total de 446 tentativas de suicídio foram georreferenciados, apontando uma incidência de 120 casos a cada 100.000 habitantes. A amostra foi majoritariamente feminina (66,4%), 62,3% possuiam até 30 anos. O mapa de Kernel evidenciou areas de hot spots. Populações dentro dos hot spots apresentaram um risco de suicídio 38% maior (Risco Relativo= 1,38; p = 0,0029), com uma estimativa média de 165 tentativas de suicídios por 100.000 habitantes. Através da identificação das áreas de hot spots e do índice de condições de vida dos bairros, pode-se estabelecer as prioridades em termos de políticas públicas de prevenção das tentativas de suicídio e de controle da comercialização de substâncias com potencial tóxico.
Tentativa de SuicídioEpidemiologiaToxicologiaAnálise espacial
In order to study data about suicide attempts and do the mapping of occurrence areas, it was developed an ecologic and exploring study, making use of techniques of geoprocessing, based on confirmed cases of suicide attempts. Cases of self-poisoning were included in the urban area of Campina Grande county, in the period of 2010- 2013. A total of 446 suicide attempts were geo-referred, pointing up an incidence of 120 cases out of each 100,000 inhabitants. The sample was mostly feminine (66.4%), and 62.3% being up to 30 years old. Kernel’s map remarked hot spot areas. Compared to surrounding areas the suicide risk of populations within the hot spots was increased (38%; Relative Risk = 1.38; p= 0.0029), with an average estimative of 165 suicide attempts out of 100,000 inhabitants. Through identification of hot spots and index of living conditions of the neighborhoods, it is possible to set priorities in terms of public policies for the prevention of suicide attempts and control of the marketing of substances that are potentially toxic.
Tentativas de suicídio: Tendências epidemiológicas quanto ao geoprocessamento.
Resumo (abstract):
In order to study data about suicide attempts and do the mapping of occurrence areas, it was developed an ecologic and exploring study, making use of techniques of geoprocessing, based on confirmed cases of suicide attempts. Cases of self-poisoning were included in the urban area of Campina Grande county, in the period of 2010- 2013. A total of 446 suicide attempts were geo-referred, pointing up an incidence of 120 cases out of each 100,000 inhabitants. The sample was mostly feminine (66.4%), and 62.3% being up to 30 years old. Kernel’s map remarked hot spot areas. Compared to surrounding areas the suicide risk of populations within the hot spots was increased (38%; Relative Risk = 1.38; p= 0.0029), with an average estimative of 165 suicide attempts out of 100,000 inhabitants. Through identification of hot spots and index of living conditions of the neighborhoods, it is possible to set priorities in terms of public policies for the prevention of suicide attempts and control of the marketing of substances that are potentially toxic.