0346/2020 - The quality of research on judicialization and its influence on public policies on access to medicines in Brazil: a systematic review A qualidade das pesquisas sobre judicialização e sua influência nas políticas públicas de acesso aos medicamentos no Brasil: uma revisão sistemática
Pacientes sem acesso a medicamentos geralmente recorrem ao sistema judicial. No entanto, nenhuma revisão sistemática discutiu a qualidade dos estudos e os fatores que podem influenciar o acesso aos medicamentos pela judicialização. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a qualidade da pesquisa sobre acesso a medicamentos judicializados e sua influência nas políticas públicas no Brasil. Foi realizada uma pesquisa nas bases de dados LILACS, PubMed/Medline, Scopus e Web of Science usando os termos “judicialization” e “medication”. Dois revisores identificaram artigos que atendiam aos critérios de inclusão. Apenas estudos escritos em inglês, português ou espanhol publicados de 1990 a 2018 foram incluídos. A seleção do estudo resultou em uma amostra final de 45 artigos. O desenho descritivo retrospectivo foi o método mais comum, com base em relatos e ações judiciais. Um alto nível de heterogeneidade entre os estudos impediu a comparação e a geração de evidências capazes de apoiar as decisões dos juízes com base em critérios técnico-científicos. Esta revisão mostrou que os estudos eram heterogêneos e apresentavam baixa qualidade metodológica. Além disso, não propuseram soluções viáveis para gerentes e formuladores de saúde enfrentarem o problema, exigindo mais pesquisas nesse campo.
direito à saúde; medicamentos; decisões judiciais; acesso a medicamentos; custos com medicamentos.
Patients without access to medicines often resort to the judicial system. However, no systematic review has discussed the quality of studies and the factors that may influence the access to medicinesjudicialization. This study aimed to characterize the quality of research on access to judicialized medicines and their influence on public policies in Brazil. A search was conducted in the LILACS, PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases using the terms “judicialization” and “medication”. Two reviewers identified articles that met the inclusion criteria. Only studies written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish published1990 to 2018 were included. The study ion resulted in a final sample of 45 articles. The retrospective descriptive design was the most common methods, based on reports and lawsuits. A high level of heterogeneity among the studies hindered the comparison and generation of evidence capable of supporting judges’ decisions based on technical-scientific criteria. This review showed that studies were heterogeneous and had low methodological quality. Moreover, they did not propose viable solutions for health managers and formulators to face the problem, requiring further research in this field.
right to health; medicines; judicial decisions; access to medicines; drug costs.
A qualidade das pesquisas sobre judicialização e sua influência nas políticas públicas de acesso aos medicamentos no Brasil: uma revisão sistemática
Resumo (abstract):
Patients without access to medicines often resort to the judicial system. However, no systematic review has discussed the quality of studies and the factors that may influence the access to medicinesjudicialization. This study aimed to characterize the quality of research on access to judicialized medicines and their influence on public policies in Brazil. A search was conducted in the LILACS, PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases using the terms “judicialization” and “medication”. Two reviewers identified articles that met the inclusion criteria. Only studies written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish published1990 to 2018 were included. The study ion resulted in a final sample of 45 articles. The retrospective descriptive design was the most common methods, based on reports and lawsuits. A high level of heterogeneity among the studies hindered the comparison and generation of evidence capable of supporting judges’ decisions based on technical-scientific criteria. This review showed that studies were heterogeneous and had low methodological quality. Moreover, they did not propose viable solutions for health managers and formulators to face the problem, requiring further research in this field.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
right to health; medicines; judicial decisions; access to medicines; drug costs.
Lyra, P. F. C. P, Araújo, D. C. S. A., Santos Júnior, G. A., Alves, B. M. C. S., Jesus, E.M.S, Lyra Jr, D.P., Quintans Júnior, L. J.. The quality of research on judicialization and its influence on public policies on access to medicines in Brazil: a systematic review. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/nov). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/the-quality-of-research-on-judicialization-and-its-influence-on-public-policies-on-access-to-medicines-in-brazil-a-systematic-review/17828?id=17828