0005/2020 - Uso da anticoncepção de emergência entre mulheres usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde em três capitais Brasileiras. Emergency contraceptive use among women attending primary health care services in Brazil.
Pouco se sabe sobre o uso da anticoncepção de emergência entre mulheres de diferentes regiões do país. Este estudo analisou o uso da anticoncepção de emergência e os aspectos associados, bem como o uso de métodos contraceptivos antes e após. Trata-se de estudo transversal, conduzido com 2.051 mulheres de 18-49 anos, usuárias de 76 Unidades Básicas de Saúde de São Paulo/SP, Aracaju/SE e Cuiabá/MT. Os aspectos associados ao uso da anticoncepção de emergência foram analisados por meio de regressão logística múltipla. Mais da metade das mulheres relatou já ter usado a anticoncepção de emergência (56,7%). Ter alta escolaridade (OR=2,63;IC95%1,76-3,94), ser de grupo socioeconômico mais favorecido (OR=1,92;IC95%1,27-2,90), ter trabalho remunerado (OR=1,25; IC95%1,01-1,57) e ter tido quatro ou mais parceiros sexuais (OR=4,53;IC95%3,33-6,17) associou-se com uso de anticoncepção de emergência. Ter 35 anos de idade ou mais (OR=0,21;IC95%0,14-0,30) e estar em união estável (OR=0,61;IC95%0,46-0,80) associou-se negativamente. Da última vez que usaram a anticoncepção de emergência, 53,2% usavam outro método, sendo preservativo masculino e pílula oral os mais frequentes. Das que não usavam método, metade adotou método regular após o uso (51,7%). Conclui-se que a anticoncepção de emergência é amplamente utilizada e parece não contribuir para interrupção do método contraceptivo de uso regular.
Anticoncepção Pós-Coito; Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva; Saúde da Mulher; Planejamento familiar.
Few evidences are available around the use of emergency contraception by young and adult womendifferent regions in Brazil. We analyzed the use of emergency contraception as well as the use of contraceptive methods before and after. This cross-sectional study assessed the use of emergency contraception by interviewing 2,051 women attending 76 primary health care facilities in three capitals: São Paulo/SP, Aracaju/SE and Cuiabá/MT. Correlates of the use of emergency contraception were analyzed by multiple logistic regression. More than half reported the use of emergency contraception (56.7%). Higher educated women (OR=2.63;CI95%1.76-3.94), beingwealthiest socioeconomic groups (OR=1.92;CI95%1.27-2.90), working paid jobs (OR=1,25; CI95%1,01-1,57) and those who had more than two partners in lifetime (OR=1.95;CI95%1.48-2.57) were more likely to have used emergency contraception while the oldest (OR=0.21;CI95%0.14-0.30) and married women (OR=0,61;IC95%0,46-0,80) were less likely. At the last time emergency contraception was used, 53.2% were using other contraceptives, like condoms and the oral pill. Among those who were not using contraceptives when used emergency contraception, 51.7% started using contraceptives after that. It seems that emergency contraception is widely used and does not contribute to stop the use of regular contraceptives.
Contraception, Postcoital; Sexual and Reproductive Health, Women\'s Health, Family Planning (Public Health)
Emergency contraceptive use among women attending primary health care services in Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
Few evidences are available around the use of emergency contraception by young and adult womendifferent regions in Brazil. We analyzed the use of emergency contraception as well as the use of contraceptive methods before and after. This cross-sectional study assessed the use of emergency contraception by interviewing 2,051 women attending 76 primary health care facilities in three capitals: São Paulo/SP, Aracaju/SE and Cuiabá/MT. Correlates of the use of emergency contraception were analyzed by multiple logistic regression. More than half reported the use of emergency contraception (56.7%). Higher educated women (OR=2.63;CI95%1.76-3.94), beingwealthiest socioeconomic groups (OR=1.92;CI95%1.27-2.90), working paid jobs (OR=1,25; CI95%1,01-1,57) and those who had more than two partners in lifetime (OR=1.95;CI95%1.48-2.57) were more likely to have used emergency contraception while the oldest (OR=0.21;CI95%0.14-0.30) and married women (OR=0,61;IC95%0,46-0,80) were less likely. At the last time emergency contraception was used, 53.2% were using other contraceptives, like condoms and the oral pill. Among those who were not using contraceptives when used emergency contraception, 51.7% started using contraceptives after that. It seems that emergency contraception is widely used and does not contribute to stop the use of regular contraceptives.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Contraception, Postcoital; Sexual and Reproductive Health, Women\'s Health, Family Planning (Public Health)
Borges, A.L.V, Gonçalves, R.R.S, Chofakian, C.B.N, Nascimento, N.C, Figueiredo, R.M.M.D, Fujimori, E., Santos, O.A, Do Amor Divino, E. Uso da anticoncepção de emergência entre mulheres usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde em três capitais Brasileiras.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/uso-da-anticoncepcao-de-emergencia-entre-mulheres-usuarias-de-unidades-basicas-de-saude-em-tres-capitais-brasileiras/17487?id=17487