0252/2024 - Vigilância em saúde entre povos indígenas no enfrentamento à Covid-19: uma revisão de escopo Health surveillance among indigenous peoples in the fight against Covid-19: a Scoping Review
O estudo teve como objetivo identificar estratégias de proteção contra a pandemia de Covid-19 entre povos indígenas de diversos países. Cinquenta e seis artigos originais, publicados de 2020 a maio/2021, foram analisados em quatro eixos: vigilância popular e organização comunitária, governança e informação, comunicação e abordagem territorial. Diferentes vulnerabilidades estruturais dos povos indígenas influenciaram os resultados e as estratégias face à pandemia. A dispersão da nova doença foi afetada por elementos ambientais, sociais e culturais, ilustrando a estrutura e organização da sociedade. Povos indígenas em diversos países se organizaram com múltiplas estratégias de luta, guiados pela cosmologia de cada povo, pelas decisões coletivas e pelas formas autônomas de organização territorial com conhecimentos que vêm da ancestralidade. O apagamento de dados e os obstáculos à identificação étnica, nos sistemas de informação, foram detectados em vários cenários. A autonomia indígena na produção, análise de dados e comunicação foi uma recomendação que aponta para sua maior participação na gestão da informação. A articulação entre setores governamentais, da sociedade e entidades indígenas foi uma lição aprendida para melhorar a governança na resposta às emergências em saúde pública.
Povos indígenas, COVID-19, Vigilância em Saúde Pública
The study aimed to identify protection strategies against the Covid-19 pandemic among indigenous peoples in several countries. Fifty-six original articles, published2020 to May/2021, were analyzed along four axes: popular surveillance and community organization, governance and information, communication and territorial approach. Different structural vulnerabilities of indigenous peoples influenced outcomes and strategies in the face of the pandemic. The dispersion of the new disease was affected by environmental, social, and cultural elements, illustrating the structure and organization of society. Different indigenous groups in various countries have coordinated using a range of tactical approaches, drawing upon the cosmological beliefs of their people, collective decision-making, and self-regulated territorial systems guided by inherited wisdom. The deletion of data and obstacles to ethnic identification within information systems were detected in various scenarios. Indigenous autonomy in data production, analysis, and communication was a recommendation that points to their greater participation in information management. The effective coordination between government sectors, society, and indigenous entities provided valuable insight into improving the response to public health emergencies.
Indigenous Peoples; COVID-19; Public Health Surveillance
Health surveillance among indigenous peoples in the fight against Covid-19: a Scoping Review
Resumo (abstract):
The study aimed to identify protection strategies against the Covid-19 pandemic among indigenous peoples in several countries. Fifty-six original articles, published2020 to May/2021, were analyzed along four axes: popular surveillance and community organization, governance and information, communication and territorial approach. Different structural vulnerabilities of indigenous peoples influenced outcomes and strategies in the face of the pandemic. The dispersion of the new disease was affected by environmental, social, and cultural elements, illustrating the structure and organization of society. Different indigenous groups in various countries have coordinated using a range of tactical approaches, drawing upon the cosmological beliefs of their people, collective decision-making, and self-regulated territorial systems guided by inherited wisdom. The deletion of data and obstacles to ethnic identification within information systems were detected in various scenarios. Indigenous autonomy in data production, analysis, and communication was a recommendation that points to their greater participation in information management. The effective coordination between government sectors, society, and indigenous entities provided valuable insight into improving the response to public health emergencies.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Indigenous Peoples; COVID-19; Public Health Surveillance
Casanova, A. O., Marchon-Silva, V., Suárez-Mutis, M. C., Cunha, M. L. S., Souza, M. S., Peiter, P. C., Gomes, M. F., Cruz, M. M.. Vigilância em saúde entre povos indígenas no enfrentamento à Covid-19: uma revisão de escopo. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/jun). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vigilancia-em-saude-entre-povos-indigenas-no-enfrentamento-a-covid19-uma-revisao-de-escopo/19300?id=19300