1574/2011 - Vulnerabilidade ao burnout entre médicos de hospital público do Recife Vulnerability to burnout among physicians at a public hospital in Recife
• Raitza Araújo dos Santos Lima - Lima, R.A.S. - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernado Figueira - <raitza05@yahoo.com.br> +
• Ariani Impieri de Souza - Ariani Impieri de Souza - Recife, PE - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira - <ariani@imip.org.br>
• Renata Hirschle Galindo - Hirschle, R - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernado Figueira - <renatahirschle@hotmail.com>
• Katia Virgínia de Oliveira Feliciano - Feliciano, K.V.O. - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernado Figueira - <kvofeliciano@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
Saúde e Trabalho
Identificou-se o burnout e fatores associados entre médicos de hospital público do Recife, Brasil, obtendo resposta de 158 profissionais (92,4% do total) para questionário auto aplicável (aspectos sociodemográficos, laborais e Maslach Burnout Inventory).Definiu-se burnout pela sobreposição de alta exaustão emocional (EE) e despersonalização (DP) e baixa realização profissional (RP). Aplicou-se qui-quadrado e teste exato de Fisher. Predominaram sexo feminino(83,5%) e tempo de profissão acima de 10 anos(81,6%). Constataram-se altos níveis de EE (61,4%) e DP (36,7%) e baixo nível de RP (13,3%), estando 5,1% com burnout. Mostraram associação: alto nível de EE e realizar “frequentemente/sempre” tarefas com muita rapidez e “nunca/às vezes” ter tempo suficiente; alto nível de DP e ter até dez anos de profissão e efetuar “frequentemente/sempre” tarefas com muita rapidez; baixo nível de RP e gênero feminino e “nunca/às vezes” ter tempo suficiente; burnout e executar “frequentemente/sempre” tarefas com muita rapidez, “nunca/às vezes” dispor de tempo suficiente, ser dogênero masculino e não ter expectativa de ascensão profissional. Para 37,3% duas das três dimensões indicavam alta propensão à síndrome. O burnoutinstitui-se entre médicos, tornando premente a transformação das condições de trabalho.
Esgotamento profissional
Satisfação no emprego
This study identified factors associated with burnout among physicians at a public hospital in Recife, Brazil. 158 physicians (92.4%) responded to a self-administered questionnaire (sociodemographic characteristics, working conditions and Maslach Burnout Inventory). Burnout was defined by a superposition of high scores in emotional exhaustion (EE) and depersonalization (DP) and low scores on personal accomplishment at work (PA). Chi-square and Fisher‘s exact testwas used in the analysis. 5.1% had burnout. Physicians woman were predominated in the sample (83.5%) and working more than ten years in the profession (81.6%). High levels were found in EE (61.4%) and DP (36.7%) and low level in PA (13.3%). There was an association between: high EE and "often/always" work very quickly and "never/sometimes" have enough time for tasks; high level of DP and work up to ten years in the profession and "often/always" do tasks very fast; low level of PA and female gender and "never/sometimes" have enough time for tasks. Burnout and "often/always" work very quickly, "never/sometimes" have enough time for tasks, being of male gender and have no expectation of professional growth. 37.3% for two of the three dimensions indicates a high propensity to the syndrome, making urgent transformation in the working conditions.
Vulnerability to burnout among physicians at a public hospital in Recife
Resumo (abstract):
This study identified factors associated with burnout among physicians at a public hospital in Recife, Brazil. 158 physicians (92.4%) responded to a self-administered questionnaire (sociodemographic characteristics, working conditions and Maslach Burnout Inventory). Burnout was defined by a superposition of high scores in emotional exhaustion (EE) and depersonalization (DP) and low scores on personal accomplishment at work (PA). Chi-square and Fisher‘s exact testwas used in the analysis. 5.1% had burnout. Physicians woman were predominated in the sample (83.5%) and working more than ten years in the profession (81.6%). High levels were found in EE (61.4%) and DP (36.7%) and low level in PA (13.3%). There was an association between: high EE and "often/always" work very quickly and "never/sometimes" have enough time for tasks; high level of DP and work up to ten years in the profession and "often/always" do tasks very fast; low level of PA and female gender and "never/sometimes" have enough time for tasks. Burnout and "often/always" work very quickly, "never/sometimes" have enough time for tasks, being of male gender and have no expectation of professional growth. 37.3% for two of the three dimensions indicates a high propensity to the syndrome, making urgent transformation in the working conditions.
Lima, R.A.S., Ariani Impieri de Souza, Hirschle, R, Feliciano, K.V.O.. Vulnerabilidade ao burnout entre médicos de hospital público do Recife. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/nov). [Citado em 17/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/vulnerabilidade-ao-burnout-entre-medicos-de-hospital-publico-do-recife/9195?id=9195