0025/2024 - A assistência à saúde no governo militar (1964-1985) e sua herança para o SUS: o híbrido público-privado Health care under the military government (1964-1985) and its legacy for the SUS: the public-private hybrid
O artigo analisa a política de assistência à saúde desenvolvida durante o governo militar no Brasil (1964-1985), com foco principal na relação do setor público com o privado na produção de serviços de saúde, nas diversas modalidades em que isso ocorreu, e suas repercussões. O objetivo, a partir de uma perspectiva institucionalista e histórica, que considera os mecanismos por meio dos quais políticas prévias afetam o processo decisório posterior e colocam limites às possibilidades de mudanças, é identificar os efeitos dessa política na configuração da reforma da política de saúde, produzida no processo de democratização, que levou à criação de um sistema de saúde universal e integral. Entre esses, destacam-se os efeitos políticos na configuração da arena da saúde; efeitos cognitivos relativos à percepção da política de saúde, e efeitos na capacidade governamental de produção e regulação de serviços. O resultado foi a manutenção de uma dualidade do sistema de saúde, garantindo a convivência de um setor privado vigoroso com um sistema público pretensamente universal e que colocou/coloca dificuldades ao SUS, mas não impediu sua implantação e institucionalização. O artigo é extraído de livro publicado anteriormente que se valeu de exploração extensa de fontes bibliográficas, documentais e entrevistas.
política de saúde; setor privado; setor público; militar
The article analyzes the health care policy developed during the military government in Brazil (1964-1985), with a main focus on the relationship between the public and private sectors in the production of health services, in the different modalities in which this occurred, and its repercussions. The objective,an institutionalist and historical perspective, which considers the mechanisms through which previous policies affect the subsequent decision-making process and place limits on the possibilities for change, is to identify the effects of this policy on the configuration of health policy reform, produced in the democratization process, which led to the creation of a universal and comprehensive health system. Among these, the political effects on the configuration of the health arena stand out; cognitive effects related to the perception of health policy, and effects on the government\'s capacity to produce and regulate services. The result was the maintenance of a duality in the health system, guaranteeing the coexistence of a vigorous private sector with a supposedly universal public system and which posed/posed difficulties for the SUS, but did not prevent its implementation and institutionalization. The article is extracteda previously published book that used extensive exploration of bibliographical, documentary sources, and interviews.
health policy; private sector; Public sector; military
Health care under the military government (1964-1985) and its legacy for the SUS: the public-private hybrid
Resumo (abstract):
The article analyzes the health care policy developed during the military government in Brazil (1964-1985), with a main focus on the relationship between the public and private sectors in the production of health services, in the different modalities in which this occurred, and its repercussions. The objective,an institutionalist and historical perspective, which considers the mechanisms through which previous policies affect the subsequent decision-making process and place limits on the possibilities for change, is to identify the effects of this policy on the configuration of health policy reform, produced in the democratization process, which led to the creation of a universal and comprehensive health system. Among these, the political effects on the configuration of the health arena stand out; cognitive effects related to the perception of health policy, and effects on the government\'s capacity to produce and regulate services. The result was the maintenance of a duality in the health system, guaranteeing the coexistence of a vigorous private sector with a supposedly universal public system and which posed/posed difficulties for the SUS, but did not prevent its implementation and institutionalization. The article is extracteda previously published book that used extensive exploration of bibliographical, documentary sources, and interviews.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
health policy; private sector; Public sector; military
Menicucci, T. M. G.. A assistência à saúde no governo militar (1964-1985) e sua herança para o SUS: o híbrido público-privado. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/fev). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-assistencia-a-saude-no-governo-militar-19641985-e-sua-heranca-para-o-sus-o-hibrido-publicoprivado/19073?id=19073