0046/2018 - A atuação do ministério público no campo da saúde nas prisões. The actions of the Public Prosecution Service in the field of health in prisons.
Em um universo carcerário violento, insalubre e superpopuloso, onde as preocupações dos gestores penitenciários são essencialmente voltadas para a segurança, vários atores do mundo jurídico, atuam de forma cotidiana para assegurar às pessoas presas condições de vida e acesso à saúde em conformidade com seus direitos constitucionais. Entretanto, seus discursos não aparecem que de maneira ocasional em pesquisas acadêmicas e em estudos sobre a saúde nas prisões. Quisemos dar a palavra a uma promotora de justiça do Ministério Público Estadual, Dra. Érika Puppim para que compartilhe com os leitores seu ponto de vista e as dificuldades que encontra no desempenho de sua função na proteção das pessoas presas.
In the violent, insalubrious and overpopulated prison environment in which the concerns of penitentiary managers are predominantly focused on security, several actors of the legal world work incessantly to ensure that prisoners enjoy living conditions and access to health care in accordance with their constitutional rights. However, their discourses only appear infrequently in academic research and studies on health in prisons. We decided to ask for the opinion of a District Attorney of the State Public Prosecution Office, Dr. Érika Puppim to share with readers her view and the difficulties in her role in the protection of prisoners.
The actions of the Public Prosecution Service in the field of health in prisons.
Resumo (abstract):
In the violent, insalubrious and overpopulated prison environment in which the concerns of penitentiary managers are predominantly focused on security, several actors of the legal world work incessantly to ensure that prisoners enjoy living conditions and access to health care in accordance with their constitutional rights. However, their discourses only appear infrequently in academic research and studies on health in prisons. We decided to ask for the opinion of a District Attorney of the State Public Prosecution Office, Dr. Érika Puppim to share with readers her view and the difficulties in her role in the protection of prisoners.
Puppim, EBT. A atuação do ministério público no campo da saúde nas prisões.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jan). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-atuacao-do-ministerio-publico-no-campo-da-saude-nas-prisoes/16579?id=16579