2127/2012 - A CONFIGURAÇÃO DA REDE SOCIAL DE MULHERES EM SITUAÇÃO DE VIOLÊNCIA DOMÉSTICA. The social network configuration of women living in situation of domestic violence
Este artigo apresenta a configuração da rede social das mulheres que vivem em situação de violência doméstica num município da região metropolitana de São Paulo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com nove mulheres e oito profissionais e observação em três serviços que compõem a rede de proteção à mulher. Para a análise utilizou-se os pressupostos teóricos de redes sociais formulados por Martins (2008)¹ e a concepção de violência doméstica que figura na Lei Maria da Penha (Lei 11.340/06)².Verificou-se que a violência impingida às mulheres pelos seus parceiros impossibilita a manutenção dos vínculos sociais, colocando-as em situação de isolamento e fragilidade. As instituições e profissionais podem exercer um papel fundamental para que as mulheres saiam do ciclo de violência, desde que a rede de atenção e os fluxos entre os serviços sejam organizados. O estudo das redes sociais com o enfoque nos vínculos e trocas entre os atores pode contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento sobre a dinâmica relacional na situação de violência.
Redes Sociais;
Relações de Gênero; .
Violência contra a mulher;
Estudos Qualitativos
This article presents the social network configuration of women living in situation of domestic violence, in a city in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. It was done interviews with 9 users and 8 professionals besides observation in three institutions which constitute the network for protecting women. The analysis was supported by the theoretical assumptions of social networks developed by Martins (2008)¹ and the domestic violence conception under the Law Maria da Penha (Law 11.340/06)². Results show that the violence foisted on women by their partners make them unable to establish and maintain social bonds, and thus facing isolation and weakness. Professionals and institutions can play a key role by preventing them from being out of the violence cycle since networks and care services are well organized. Further studies of social networks, focusing on the nature of the links and exchanges among actors are welcome for enlarging the knowledge about the relationship dynamics in violence situation.
Social Networks;
Gender relationship;
Violence Against Women;
Qualitative Studies
The social network configuration of women living in situation of domestic violence
Resumo (abstract):
This article presents the social network configuration of women living in situation of domestic violence, in a city in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. It was done interviews with 9 users and 8 professionals besides observation in three institutions which constitute the network for protecting women. The analysis was supported by the theoretical assumptions of social networks developed by Martins (2008)¹ and the domestic violence conception under the Law Maria da Penha (Law 11.340/06)². Results show that the violence foisted on women by their partners make them unable to establish and maintain social bonds, and thus facing isolation and weakness. Professionals and institutions can play a key role by preventing them from being out of the violence cycle since networks and care services are well organized. Further studies of social networks, focusing on the nature of the links and exchanges among actors are welcome for enlarging the knowledge about the relationship dynamics in violence situation.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Social Networks;
Gender relationship;
Violence Against Women;
Qualitative Studies
DUTA,M.L., Villela, W.V., Nakamura, E., PRATES P.L.. A CONFIGURAÇÃO DA REDE SOCIAL DE MULHERES EM SITUAÇÃO DE VIOLÊNCIA DOMÉSTICA.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-configuracao-da-rede-social-de-mulheres-em-situacao-de-violencia-domestica/12079?id=12079