0312/2019 - A crise econômica e a atenção primária à saúde no SUS da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. The economic crisis and primary health care in the SUS of Rio de Janeiro.
Este artigo aborda a crise na atenção primária à saúde do sistema público de saúde da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a partir de 2018. Tal município teve forte expansão da atenção primária desde 2009, adotando Organizações Sociais para a contratação de profissionais e gerenciamento dos serviços, qualificando a infraestrutura das unidades e priorizando a medicina de família e comunidade, além de adotar práticas gerenciais como normatizações de ofertas, avaliação e remuneração por desempenho, marketing, dentre outras. Diante da recente crise econômica, a decisão do gestor municipal foi de reduzir equipes de saúde da família, considerando a atual Política Nacional de Atenção Básica e argumentando ser possível otimizar recursos (fazendo mais com menos). Neste processo, enfrentou resistências, que não foram suficientes para freá-lo. Pela ressonância desta cidade (segunda maior do Brasil e com destaque na imprensa nacional) e tomando como base documentos públicos e formulações sobre a gestão, a crise expressa na atenção básica deste município foi problematizada em torno das implicações da adoção de Organizaçoes Sociais na sustentabilidade dos serviços, da condução dos processos de gestão e suas racionalidades bem como da atuação política de agentes sociais em defesa do SUS e da atenção primária em particular.
atenção primária à saúde, crise, Rio de Janeiro
This article addresses the crisis in primary health care of the public health system of the city of Rio de Janeiro,2018. This municipality has had a strong expansion of primary care since 2009, adopting Social Organizations for hiring professionals and managing services, qualifying the infrastructure of the units and prioritizing family and community medicine, in addition to adopting management practices such as standardization of offers, evaluation and compensation for performance, marketing, among others. Given the recent economic crisis, the decision of the municipal manager was to reduce family health teams, considering the current National Policy of Primary Care and arguing that it is possible to optimize resources (doing more with less). In the process, he faced resistance, which was not enough to stop him. Due to the resonance of this city (second largest in Brazil and prominent in the national press) and based on public documents and formulations on management, the crisis expressed in the primary health care of this city was problematized around the implications of the adoption of Social Organizations in the sustainability of the health services, conducting management processes and their rationalities, as well as the political action of social agents in defense of SUS and primary care in particular.
The economic crisis and primary health care in the SUS of Rio de Janeiro.
Resumo (abstract):
This article addresses the crisis in primary health care of the public health system of the city of Rio de Janeiro,2018. This municipality has had a strong expansion of primary care since 2009, adopting Social Organizations for hiring professionals and managing services, qualifying the infrastructure of the units and prioritizing family and community medicine, in addition to adopting management practices such as standardization of offers, evaluation and compensation for performance, marketing, among others. Given the recent economic crisis, the decision of the municipal manager was to reduce family health teams, considering the current National Policy of Primary Care and arguing that it is possible to optimize resources (doing more with less). In the process, he faced resistance, which was not enough to stop him. Due to the resonance of this city (second largest in Brazil and prominent in the national press) and based on public documents and formulations on management, the crisis expressed in the primary health care of this city was problematized around the implications of the adoption of Social Organizations in the sustainability of the health services, conducting management processes and their rationalities, as well as the political action of social agents in defense of SUS and primary care in particular.
Melo, E, Mendonça, M.H.M., Teixeira, M.. A crise econômica e a atenção primária à saúde no SUS da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-crise-economica-e-a-atencao-primaria-a-saude-no-sus-da-cidade-do-rio-de-janeiro/17386?id=17386&id=17386