0315/2021 - A dimensão espacial e o lugar social da loucura: por uma cidade aberta The spatial dimension and the social place of madness: for an open city
O processo de Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira (RPB) propõe o rompimento com o paradigma manicomial em diversas dimensões. Pensar nos espaços de cuidado e no direito à cidade constituem bandeiras importantes para tal. Dessa forma, construímos um arcabouço teórico-conceitual objetivando discutir e sistematizar a relação da arquitetura dos espaços de cuidado destinados à loucura e a produção de subjetividades e relações. Assim, a partir da arqueogenealogia, organizamos um diálogo entre conceitos e autores que abordem o espaço e a arquitetura como dispositivos de produção de subjetividades e relações, tais como, instituições totais e mortificação do eu (Erving Goffman) e síndrome espaço-compertamental (Mirian de Carvalho), e experiências como as de Maura Lopes Cançado e Lima Barreto. Objetivamos, ainda, discutir e desenhar, pelas lentes de campos diversos de saber, um ideal de cidade que nos ajude a enfrentar o paradigma manicomial e fortalecer o processo de RPB: a cidade aberta, aquela que inclui a diferença (SENNETT, 2018). Localizando a importância da discussão das arquiteturas, espaços e da cidade que construímos para o processo de RPB, propomos, como resultado deste artigo, construir e adicionar uma nova dimensão de análise de tal processo às já existentes: a dimensão espacial.
cidades; arquitetura hospitalar; saúde mental; reforma dos serviços de saúde
The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform (BPR) process proposes a break with the asylum paradigm in several dimensions. Thinking about care spaces and the right to the city are important flags for this issue. Having that in mind, we build a theoretical-conceptual framework aiming to discuss and systematize the relationship between the architecture of care spaces destined for madness and the production of subjectivities and relationships. Thus, based on archeogenealogy, we organize a dialogue between concepts and authors that approach space and architecture as devices for the production of subjectivities and relationships, such as total institutions and self-mortification (Erving Goffman) and space-behavioral syndrome (Mirian de Carvalho), and experiences such as those by Maura Lopes Cançado and Lima Barreto. We also aim to discuss and draw, through the lens of different fields of knowledge, an ideal city that will help us face the asylum paradigm and strengthen the BPR process: the open city, the one that includes difference (SENNETT, 2018). Locating the importance of discussing the architectures, spaces and the city that we built for the BPR process, we propose, as a result of this article, to build and add a new dimension of analysis of such process to the existing ones: the spatial dimension.
cities; architecture; mental health; health care reform
The spatial dimension and the social place of madness: for an open city
Resumo (abstract):
The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform (BPR) process proposes a break with the asylum paradigm in several dimensions. Thinking about care spaces and the right to the city are important flags for this issue. Having that in mind, we build a theoretical-conceptual framework aiming to discuss and systematize the relationship between the architecture of care spaces destined for madness and the production of subjectivities and relationships. Thus, based on archeogenealogy, we organize a dialogue between concepts and authors that approach space and architecture as devices for the production of subjectivities and relationships, such as total institutions and self-mortification (Erving Goffman) and space-behavioral syndrome (Mirian de Carvalho), and experiences such as those by Maura Lopes Cançado and Lima Barreto. We also aim to discuss and draw, through the lens of different fields of knowledge, an ideal city that will help us face the asylum paradigm and strengthen the BPR process: the open city, the one that includes difference (SENNETT, 2018). Locating the importance of discussing the architectures, spaces and the city that we built for the BPR process, we propose, as a result of this article, to build and add a new dimension of analysis of such process to the existing ones: the spatial dimension.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
cities; architecture; mental health; health care reform
Paladino, L., Amarante. P.D.C. A dimensão espacial e o lugar social da loucura: por uma cidade aberta. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/out). [Citado em 24/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-dimensao-espacial-e-o-lugar-social-da-loucura-por-uma-cidade-aberta/18214?id=18214